when you wish upon a Noah [plot!]

Sep 16, 2009 02:19

Edit: We got mod clearance to tweak Road's offer from sending people home to (within moderation) anything they'd kill for. With any luck, this'll work better for more characters!


Just how badly does your character want their heart's desire?

Or: Road is bored, Cyril's an enabler, and Tyki knows too many games for his own good. The gist: at some point - we'll try and settle on the most convenient date if we get enough volunteers - an anonymous post will go up on the Network asking something along the lines of "What wish would you be willing to kill to have come true? This is not a theoretical question." Road will be shoving random people through her doors and into a dream of home / whatever their wish is for a few minutes as practical evidence if characters ask for proof. For the sake of giving them something to hope for, please assume that this is decently realistic! To get their wishes, the deal runs, all they have to do is participate in a game.

And get some people killed.


The Dolls game is based on the game of mafia, if you know it. The premise is very simple: thirteen volunteers are gathered. Three of them will be told that they're Breakers. Every day, the volunteers get together to vote one person out. The Dolls' aim is to vote out all the Breakers; the Breakers need to try to break all the dolls (i.e. kill them). Breakers can "break" one player per night through a majority vote in their own filtered post. However, all votes - Dolls voting out Breakers and Breakers voting to break - will be made separately and privately to the Noah, who will do the actual, uh, breaking. (Basically, you post OOCly to a screened organization post with your character's vote, and the relevant players will be contacted for their exit / death.) Why? To increase suspicion of each other. ♥

1. This is not a curse-based event. Road cannot really grant anybody's wishes and - more importantly - when a character dies during the Dolls game, they will become City!Dead. How you work with that is up to you - we'd like to remind volunteers that deals with the deities are always an option to get their lives back. One or two can also be spared based on circumstance but we would really prefer not to have to resort to that since the Noah are good at killing people. Please: go in with the assumption that your character is going to die (or, if they're immortal, taken out painfully for the duration of the game). If you are not okay with playing a dead character, you may not want to sign up.

2. This game runs on IC discussion. Please have characters threadjack in discussion posts, filter to other characters, discuss and try to figure out who the Breakers are. Tactics like "if you were a Breaker, who would you kill" and so on might be helpful to Dolls and Breakers both! Allying is also good, since it gives them someone to trust and vote with. (Yes, it'll suck if they partner up with a Breaker.) The point's to give them something to be scared of and something to solve. Go wild! They can also filter to the Noah, who will be de-anoning at some point, but that leads to the importance of the next point.

3. The Noah are big, big cheaters. While they will leave clues at each death (and you can always trust the clues) to point the Dolls in the direction of the Breakers, please realise that at some points they will do their best to screw a few characters over. This may or may not happen by helping the other side.

4. ICly, players do not have to keep their positions secret. Breakers are allowed to tell everyone that they're Breakers, and Dolls can tell everyone that they're Dolls. Telling everyone that you're a Breaker is an easy way to get out of the game, assuming they believe you. Concrete proof, however, should be impossible to provide. We don't encourage Breakers OOCly revealing who they are to anyone, since having that information can get a bit tricky. The mystery is better if you don't know!

5. The Breakers need a majority vote to kill for a reason - Breakers are also allowed to vote for each other. Being chosen as a Breaker does not mean that the character is safe from dying. In the event that votes are tied, the Noah will pick from the tied to be voted out or to die. These announcements will be emailed / IMed to everyone as well as posted on the organization post to keep people up to date.

6. If you can't participate in the discussions ICly, we still encourage you to check in at the discussion post (public) to see if there's anyone to OOCly hash out how the discussion that day would have gone, or even just to drop an OOC note over at the screened organization post indicating who your character voted for that day and (if you can think of a reason) why. This is to minimize complications later on. If RL screws you over and you don't get on, we really hope that you'd let us assume your character voted regardless, and will do our best not to say on whom unless you decide. You don't have to give a long, involved thought process: "Joe votes for Bob today because he doesn't trust Bob's face. He ignored other people's input." is fine.

7. On the other hand, since it's not a curse and a vote doesn't take all day, your characters are free to continue their daily lives and have normal posts. They don't have to miss any curses, they're just required to vote and not-blurt things about the game to non-players.

8. Yes, we are totally up for your characters getting revenge. I'm personally okay with most things short of Tyki being driven insane(r), having his powers permanently sealed/removed, or long-term imprisonment. So, other things, including painful death, are fine by me. If you want to do something terrible to my character after the game, talk to me! Chelle and Lassie are also willing to put Road and Cyril to the chopping block to some extent. Just... be warned that the Noah have a certain degree of family loyalty to each other, so a revenge may require some planning out!

In theory, the game will end when all Breakers have been voted out, or all Dolls are dead. According to the agreement, your characters would then get to go home! But there'll be a twist - and it's not the one you're thinking of. We'll make another post after things get to a certain point with more about this.

Rules that will be provided ICly in addition to this premise, with explanations behind them:

1. Players can only communicate about the game over the network. This is to limit advantages that can be taken in person such as mindreading, possession and/or physically influencing a character's vote.

2. Players cannot discuss the game with people who are not involved. They are also not allowed to involve people from outside the game in any way. If this rule is broken, all players will be killed, and this consequence will be made clear ICly. We would really like to avoid this! So if you think that your character would be likely to get them reported - even if you think they could do it in such a way that the Noah wouldn't find out - please talk to us so that we can devise circumstances against it... or don't sign up. (We would prefer the former over the latter - the more participating, the better!)

2a. Those removed from the game, whether by vote or by death, are not allowed to communicate with players still in the game. Again, this will get everyone killed / tortured.

3. Players cannot resign from the game. They have to get voted out or killed. Once voted out, they lose the chance to "go home".

Thirteen volunteers is the ideal, but we can work with nine. Nine is the minimum: if we don't get nine, we won't do this. City!Dead characters are eligible for participation.

In short, if you want to sign up for the game, please be willing to:
1. participate in one (or two, if you're a Breaker) votes every twenty-four hours for up to / around eight days. Again, voting is the minimum: discussion would be the ideal.
2. kill off your character.
3. not have your character cheat or run to the authorities.

Even if your character isn't likely to go for these things, you're still welcome to respond to the anon post gauging interest. Otherwise: signups, suggestions and questions can be addressed in comments!

1. Xemnas
2. Dr. Horrible
3. Marluxia
4. Nagi
5. Nena
6. Gilbert Nightlay
7. Emil
8. Vivio
9. Nanako
12. Minatsuki - backup
13. Sync - backup

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