I haven't found a reason to use this icon yet.

May 30, 2009 21:08



Post this thread, Timothy and Komui made a deal together. For anyone that isn't familiar with Timothy and his abilities, he can possess people and use their bodies for whatever purpose he needs them for. Back in his home he used this ability to steal priceless works of art and sold them while calling himself Phantom Thief G.

Anywho's, Komui has asked Timothy to put his powers to work to build him a KOMURIN~ Which means that he'll (Timothy) be going around possessing people to steal parts for Komui's robot invention. Parts for this will generally be wiring, large, and hardly discreet (In other words he'll raid every electronic and car shop out there).

This is where YOU come in! Would anyone be interested in volunteering their characters for this~? :) People possessed won't remember stealing anything or even being possessed, except for a memory gap and handcuffs (if Tim gets caught he'll just leave the victim behind and find someone new - SO SORRY ;_; ).

Another fun fact: Whatever abilities a possessed character may have are also at Timothy's disposal.

EDIT: Alright, list of volunteers goes here!

- Hamel
- Reno (one of his later possessions)
- Leeron
- Kira Yamato
- Free (most possible re-use)
- Umi (most possible re-use)
- Jun
- Ichigo
- Taiga
- Watanuki
- Sakurai Yuuto

Now the police is very free to try and arrest these people! They WILL be doing illegal things and may even enact violence on the officers. This will all continue up until a few days before the Pimp My Ride curse and victims will find themselves with memory loss, minor wounds, and perhaps even a jail cell.

...So, who's in?

ALSO - There isn't a limit to how many people Timothy will take over! It'll be limitless until Komurin is finished. Police feel free to note criminal activity in the city ;) I feel like I'm repeating myself...
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