curse day mecha antics

May 17, 2009 19:59

So tomorrow is a curse day.

18; Red vs. Blue
Enter a 24 Hour game of Citywide capture the flag, except er... whose flag and where are those flags? Maybe that's why the deities are devoting an entire day to this battle complete with armor and weaponry. Who's Red and who's Blue? Do you even know who's really on your team? Does it even matter? [Said weaponry's effective only on other citizens with minimal environmental damage. Halo-style armor and weapons are optional; characters can use their own in-game weapons if they have them. Characters killed because of this curse can respawn within minutes and will for the entire day be exempt from City!Death.]

Okay, but what's the news here? Well, the Gundam casts (that's the Gundam 00 cast plus Kira) and the Magic Knight Rayearth cast are throwing a party. Sort of.

Since characters can use non-Halo weapons (just without the capability to cause major property damage), we're going to have a big crazy mecha showdown. Okay, so it'll mostly be crazy to us, since characters down on the ground are entirely welcome to ignore it and go about having fun with the curse or their daily routines instead. But it's still a pretty big thing that you can definitely have your characters notice if you want to, so here are the details and what you can do with them.

At around one or two in the afternoon EDT, the battle will begin when Nena (oopsitslipped) powers up the stealth field on her Gundam, disrupting communications around her. Of course, since the Network is far more resilient than one giant robot and its trickery, most people will be unaffected and can go about their business with no problem--but if you want to get in on this, feel free to have your character notice their Network connection flicker or fail for a few minutes before restoring itself.

After Nena posts, the mecha will fight above and around the City for a little bit; if anyone wants to notice or mention them, now's the time. Since this curse renders weapons incapable of doing significant damage to the landscape, any stray hits will have minimal effects. A scorch mark, cracked window pane, or fallen shelf is fine; broken walls, collapsed roofs, and burning buildings are definitely not. (I will pause here to make an individual player note: Lockon is a sniper, and his current accuracy is rather worse than it was for most of his canon, so if you do want to inflict some of the aforementioned minor damage on your character's residence or place of business, you're entirely welcome to say that the culprit was a beam of energy shot from somewhere in the distance.) If you want to get caught in crossfire or try to stop them from the ground, that's cool too, but you should probably comment here to work it out with us.

As it gets on towards mid- to late afternoon, the mecha will move away from the City itself and start fighting first over the forest and then, by nightfall, over the beach. The rest of the battle will take place out here, away from most buildings and people, but we'll do another post at this point, and anyone who wants to WTF at us can do so over the Network. If your character would still try to interfere even once the mecha are away from most people, though, let us know here and we can try to work something out.

Around eleven at night ICly, Setsuna will return from his canon update in his new Gundam, right in the middle of the battle, and the big climactic finish will occur. Since Setsuna's player won't be getting back from vacation until the early hours of the morning (her afternoon), his post will be backdated a few hours after midnight. ICly, though, it's still at eleven, and the mecha disappear at the stroke of midnight.

For those of you interested in the details of the giant robots that will be shooting and hacking and stabbing at each other tomorrow, here's a list:

Setsuna F. Seiei [denyinurgod] :: 00 Raiser Gundam
Lockon Stratos (Neil Dylandy) [haroicsacrifice] :: Gundam Dynames
Tieria Erde [worthier] :: Gundam Virtue
Allelujah Haptism [holyinhell] :: Gundam Kyrios
Marie Perfacy [marieeeeeeeee] :: GN Archer
Lockon Stratos (Lyle Dylandy) [irresoluteness] :: Cherudim Gundam
Anew Returner [innovatorgps] :: Gaddess
Nena Trinity [oopsitslipped] :: Gundam Throne Drei
Mikhail Trinity [cutyou_up] :: Gundam Throne Zwei (depending on his activity status)
Graham Aker [virgocentric] :: Union Flag Graham Aker Custom
Kira Yamato [wwjyd] :: Strike Freedom Gundam

Magic Knight Rayearth
Umi Ryuuzaki [soulofocean] :: Celes
♦ Donning Celes is like wearing a huge armor Umi is able to control as an extension of her body. This allows her to both magnify her water spells and wield a larger version of her dragon sword. Even while donning Celes Umi's fighting style is namely sword-based. However her water attacks become large and fierce, and her ultimate spell, the Ice Blades, turns into a real blizzard of gigantic sharp icicles. The mashin mecha in itself provides advantage in size and destructive power.
Fuu Hououji [gustymagic] :: Windam
♦ Donning Windam gives the advantage of size that any giant robot would have. While in the mashin, Fuu's spells are just the same as they normally are (wind-based; she has two attack spells, two healing spells and a shield spell, which should definitely come in handy during this event). Windam uses a sword like Fuu's and, for being a giant robot, is relatively good at hand-to-hand combat.
Hikaru Shidou [redstrength] :: Rayearth
♦ Hikaru's mashin is notably the most powerful of the three in terms of strength. As with the Windam and Celes, the Rayearth uses and amplifies Hikaru's own magic spells (two fire-based spells) as well as a larger replica of her sword. Hikaru's fighting style, even in the mashin, is balanced in spells and swordsmanship, but her attacks are mainly offensive given their strength which adds a final touch to the trio in battle. However, as with all three mashin, any damage taken to the mecha is also taken to the Knight inside. So severe damage dealt to the mashin could result in a Knight's death.

The Knights will comment to this post with further details.

As always, this is mod-approved. If you have any thoughts, suggestions, or questions, let us know!

curse day

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