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Consultants Step one - cut a hole in a box Make sure you've visited the
Step two - Fill out the form found below and try to fill in as much as you can; if you get stumped, go ahead and post it with as much info as you get in there. You can update later when you think of more things to add by either editing or reposting your comment. Don't submit, you aren't finished!
Step three - Make sure the character's name is in the subject line, along with any title they may own.
Step four - ???
Step five - Post! And then of course, let me know if there's something I could add/remove to make it better, if you wouldn't mind!
- Non-magical/supernatural skills - list as many as you want.
- Skill 02
- Skill 03
- Magical/supernatural skills - list as many as you want.
- Ability 02
- Ability 03
- Physical, mental, emotional; they should be valid, at least semi-important things that could be exploited for plot, etc. Not everyone is infallible.
- Weakness 02
- Weakness 03
Anything that might not fit under the categories above, or is extra and necessary to the character. Feel free to write as much as you like, but keep main points concise and easy to understand at a glance, please!