omnom nom om delicious hearts

Oct 03, 2009 22:35

Who wants to sacrifice their hearts to the ravens?

Mini plot ahoy!

Due to the explosion of angst from the 2nd curse and the effects of TOMORROW curse, Rue would go all Princess Kraehe (with curse-influence no moral) in her former life philosophy: "What I want, I take by force if I must!" :)

What does this means? The 4th, Kraehe will go around the City, trying to hypnotize and convince people to give up their hearts (or part of it, could be a specific feeling, I'm open to plotting) to her during the duration of the curse. There's a couple of clarifications about the targets if you want to volunteer a victim:

1) She would target first and foremost the people she likes (or tolerates) because she has a deep dread to lose them. So in order to keep them "closer" to her, she would try to take their hearts and bound them to hers by bathing them in the blood of the ravens (she WON'T taint the hearts unless a specific mun wants to play this, I would rather not, for it opens a can of worms. The taint is irreversible, it can be controlled but still...). Ahiru and Fakir would probably foiled most of THESE attempts, anyway... Which leads us to:

2) Secondly, those characters who are happily in love or devoted to something (any mission they are carrying out with pleasure). Those positive feelings? She wants to make them miserable, take their happiness to herself.

3) The hypnotism/session wouldn't work if the character is full of vanity/self-love that wouldn't be able to project that devotion into her (typically, the process involves of Kraehe or Prince of Ravens "replacing" the object of the character affection to make them sacrifice their hearts to them).

Someone without a heart would act like an automat with no personality. They would do as other people say, be passive, do things they usually perform everyday out of routine instead of caring. If by whatever case, a feeling is stolen by accident instead, then that person would not be able to express it (take "fear", for example, they would jump out windows and be reckless because they don't fear anything).

The plot would run from 4th to the 8th this month. Theft by 4th and by 8th, all hearts/feelings would have been returned.

I meant to post this MUCH earlier but my ISP hates LJ guts and it took... hours to load the "update" option ugh. I'm not kidding. SOB.

More questions, please ping me at Larisa Thessaly in AIM :)

ETA: I will set up a post for open action log to those who prefer to play it instead of handwave this, it's your choice. /flexible
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