Title: Picture Book
WC: ~7200
Summary: "Because it's a great picture. Because he remembers that thank you every time he looks at it. Because he can hear her voice and feel her arm through his and the hills and valleys of her spine under his palm when they danced. Because he has a lot of pictures of her, but only one of them."
Spoilers: 1 x 07 (Home is
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Comments 11
I also found it fitting that Castle thought Beckett was just taking pity on him in Poof! You're Dead, while she was treating it like a date, because these two are always coming at things from opposite ends. I do wonder why Beckett saw it as a date. Was it because she'd just gotten confirmation that Gina was out of the picture, and since she knew her thing with Josh wasn't going to last, it was kind of like they were both single?
Oh and I love the switch from "her" to "Kate" in the 2012 section. So intimate.
I have my own issues with Nikki Heat. It's such a well-written episode, but I just haaaatttttee Laura Prepon in it. Absolutely awful casting choice, in my opinion.
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