Xxx arcon

Jan 23, 2011 23:20

So next year is arcanacon xxx and someone has to write the smut. Anyone interested?

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Comments 5

travisjhall January 23 2011, 13:56:37 UTC

Arcanacon in 2012 is officially End of the World con. That's our story and we're sticking to it.


miss_rynn January 23 2011, 22:53:00 UTC
I like smut, and I like games. Perhaps I should unite these two for a climax of entertainment?


fraerie January 24 2011, 02:28:43 UTC
Surely you've been planning for XXX con for the better part of 10 years. It was a running joke among the Arc organisers back when I was on the committee to put certain games aside for Arc XXX. :)


pollyanna_n January 24 2011, 10:22:01 UTC
So which of you lovely ladies is going to help me write some smut? Or I can write some and you can help run, as I will need GMs. I was thinking of a silly Macho Women with Guns game.. costuming encouraged but we won't have to. In fact, the sexiest might be some sort of suit with just a suggestion of raunch underneath...

I know Bec is already practised at smut writing and I suspect Sarah has much material to add. I am too innocent to be able to add much.


anonymous January 25 2011, 06:26:42 UTC
What was that non-canon Black Death again? I think that was the smuttiest game I've played.


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