Fic: Empire

Jun 15, 2007 17:02

Title: Empire (written for 179, a quote from Gone With the Wind about wrecked empires, at theatrical_muse.
Fandom: Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Characters: Megan Wheeler, Mike Logan, Danny Ross, mentions of Bobby Goren & Alex Eames
Word Count: 459
Rating: G
Summary: Wheeler and Logan amuse themselves on a stakeout. Dedicated to mtwendyr--thanks for the beta!

“Empire,” Logan said.
“Empire…Strikes Back,” Wheeler said.

They were on a stakeout playing the word association game.

So far, Wheeler had been the one doing the quizzing. It had gone like this:

Wheeler: Woman.
Logan: Sex.
Wheeler: Breakfast.
Logan: Donuts.
Wheeler: Beach.
Logan: Sex.
Wheeler: Box.
Logan:…of donuts.

Finally, she’d grown exasperated. “Do you think of anything but sex and donuts?”
“You have your happy place, I have mine,” he’d smirked.

She rolled her eyes. “Your turn to do the quizzing.”

“Yeah, alright,” he said. “Sex.”
Wheeler didn’t miss a beat. “Logan.”

“I knew it,” Logan grinned.
“That was sarcasm,” Wheeler retorted. “Continue.”

Mike thought a moment. “Lima beans.”
“Gross,” Wheeler said.
“’Least we’re clear on that,” Mike said. “My last partner always tried to make me eat my vegetables.”
“…I can assure you, I’m not going to try and make you eat your veggies,” Wheeler said, raising a brow. “Enough with the commentary. This is supposed to be rapid-fire.

“Alright, alright,” Logan said. He smirked. “Goren.”
He rolled his eyes. “Eames.”
“Uh-huh. Ross.”
Megan smirked. “Captain.”

“You’re lame,” he said. “At least my answers meant something.”
“My answers mean something,” Megan said. “They mean, I’m more pragmatic than you are.”

“Oooh, big words,” Logan said. “Here’s one…empire.”

“Empire…Strikes Back,” Wheeler smirked.
“Were you even born when that movie came out?” Logan asked.
“Yes, thank you,” Wheeler said. “Let me guess, you like Han Solo.”
“Damn right,” Logan said. “And I’m guessing you’re a Leia fan.”
“Actually, I always preferred Han Solo myself,” Wheeler said, “Much more adventurous. My sister used to put cinnamon rolls up to her ears and pretend to be Leia, though.”

Logan chuckled. “I’m Han Solo. You can’t be Han Solo.”
Wheeler rolled her eyes. “What is this, Major Case as Star Wars?”
“Could be,” Logan said. “And you can’t be Han Solo. I am Han Solo.”
“Well I’m not Leia.”
“Eames can be Leia.”
“Nice.” Wheeler laughed. “Then that makes me…?”

“Luke Skywalker,” Mike decided.
“Lucky me,” Wheeler said. “Goren? Totally Chewbacca.”
Logan laughed a huge belly laugh. “I thought that was Ross.”
Megan rolled her eyes. “Ross is obviously Yoda.”
“What, not Obi-Wan?”
She laughed. “Well, Obi-Wan did train Luke Skywalker too…”

“In that case, maybe I’m Obi-Wan,” Mike said. “Since Ross says I’m giving you all my bad habits.”
“You can’t be Obi-Wan and Han Solo.”
“Yes I can.”
“No you can’t.”
“Hey guys?” Ross’s voice crackled over the radio. “You know I’m listening, right?”
The detectives went silent.
“And for the record?” Ross said. “Yoda all the way.”
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