L&O fic: The More Things Change...

Jun 14, 2007 12:42

Title: The More Things Change
Fandom: Law & Order
Characters: Jack McCoy/Jamie Ross, mentions of Alex Borgia
Word Count: 459
Summary: McCoy and Jamie run into each other. Literally. Set in May 2006.
Notes: Thanks to alkow for beta'ing and for cheering me up this afternoon. You seriously rock.

“Mr. McCoy, you’re being relieved of your duties.”

It was the last thing he heard before walking out of the courtroom, the only thing that stayed on his mind.

He should have fought harder. Borgia hadn’t been the best ADA but she’d still been under his supervision.

He suddenly felt very tired. And old. It wasn’t the ‘old’ that bothered him. Jack had always been old. It was the sense of defeat. He hadn’t felt it this bad since Claire died ten years ago. Had it really been-he looked at the date on his watch. Ten years ago, nearly to the day.

He wondered for a moment if that was significant and then reminded himself that existential thinking was better done with a bottle of scotch handy.

* * *

On the other side of the hall, rounding the corner, the judge heard her ex-husband’s voice in her head. Her second ex-husband. It was still hard to believe. It was like she was stuck at, “Hi, my name is Jamie and I’m multiple-times divorced” and couldn’t get past there.

She couldn’t believe how tired she felt. Her job was easy-she sat on a bench, handed down orders and made the big bucks. Far simpler (and much better paying) than the DA’s office had ever been.

Had it really been ten years since she’d first walked into Jack McCoy’s office? In some ways, her life had changed so much since then. In other ways, it was exactly, frighteningly, the same.

* * *

Both of them hurried along down the corridor toward each other, but not knowing it. They were lost in thought and it took McCoy a moment after the material of the judge’s robe brushed against his chest to realize he was being run into.

“Excuse you,” he snapped.
“Excuse yourself,” the judge barked back.
“Jamie?” He would never forget that indignant tone.
She turned toward the familiar voice with a grin. “Jack?”

He grinned and pulled her into a hug. “Judge Ross, it’s been awhile.”
“A few months at least.” Jamie hugged him back.
“How the hell are you?” he asked.
She looked a little sheepish, but knew she could be honest with him. “Recently divorced.”

“Just like when I first met you,” Jack said, his tone playful.
She smirked. “And you?”
He cleared his throat. “…laying to rest an ADA.”
Jamie nodded, remembering. “That’s right.”
“Just like when you first met me.” His tone was a little hoarse now.

“A lot has changed since then,” Jamie said, softly.

He nodded, a look in his eyes, one she hadn’t seen in a long time. “Have dinner with me tonight, after work?” he asked.

She nodded, voice still soft. “And a lot has stayed the same.”
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