LOL omg Fox News is just horrible. My husband and I do watch it on occasion, more for entertainment value than anything else.
Recently, Obama spoke at a graduation, and he said something along the lines of if we don't believe climate change is happening, then it's like believing the moon is made of green cheese (I can't remember the exact words.)
Anyway, Fox News had a headline... I shit you not... OBAMA: SAYS MOON MADE OUT OF CHEESE.
I absolutely died laughing. Oh, Fox News. Oh, dear.
I didn't post any of the previous conservative whines about "Why is it taking so long to capture these terrorists? Why does Obama hate America if he lets criminals free!?!? (President Bush's feet weren't held to the coals over OBL all that much by Fox, btw). So when Ahmed Abu Khattala is captured, REVERSE FOX TALKING POINT ENGINES!). You can't win.
Get him to watch Al-Jeezera America! (BTW, two of their reporters were sentenced this week to ten year prison terms for their coverage in Egypt during the coup d'état last year)
Comments 12
Recently, Obama spoke at a graduation, and he said something along the lines of if we don't believe climate change is happening, then it's like believing the moon is made of green cheese (I can't remember the exact words.)
Anyway, Fox News had a headline... I shit you not... OBAMA: SAYS MOON MADE OUT OF CHEESE.
I absolutely died laughing. Oh, Fox News. Oh, dear.
believing that the moon is made of cheese, seeing
how they have a preference for fables.
and the team comes first, above all else,
including consistency and principle and truth.
Next, he'll be offering cookies.
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