Name: Kanika Sharma
Age (Must be at least 13): 15
Location: New York
Previous Stamps: Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid
Describe your personality: Well I'm some what of a realist but when everyone else is negative i'm positive, I'm extremely hard working and I try super duper hard to please everyone, i'm determined, caring nice, but sometimes I get taken advantage of and don't get credit for the work done. I'm also extremely caring, would describe my personality well. I also am sarcastic, headstrong, opinionated, and somewhat smart/funny. I lack in confidence and self-esteem and am reluctant to open up to people unless I have known them for a while, I am a good leader and find myself organizing many things and am somewhat of a workaholic, but am really lazy, am unorganized but that's the way i like it. I AM OBSESSED WITH HARRYPOTTER AND AM VERY RANDOM. okay that's about it I don't want to write anymore ;)
Strengths: Helping people, listening, being a leader, perfecting things, Italian, keeping secrets, getting into fights about harry potter being better than twilight, debating things such as politics, getting into fights with conservatives.
Weaknesses: Spelling/Grammar/Chemistry/Geometry/Not loosing my temper with my father
Dislikes/Pet Peeves: Pet Peeves: The sound of people chewing, people not recycling, when people use the back of a pencil that barley has an eraser and the metal scratches against the paper, when people are way to optimistic. Dislikes: Occasionally my sister, conservatives, CHEMISTRY, old people food, Geometry, Spelling
This or That
Extroverted or Introverted: Introverted
Idealist or Realist: Realist
Kind or Cruel: Kind
Forgiving or out for revenge:Forgiving
Leader or Follower: Leader
What do you value most?
-book: Harry Potter 1-7
-movie: don't really have one
-lyrics: none in particular
Check Thing
[] Violent
[depends but yes.]Can Talk Alot
[x] Leader
do you like to judge? No, but that doesn't mean I don't have very strong opinions.
do you like to see what things mean? Yes
would you like to write a bill or talk it to death? hmm both.
do you like the limelight? Ehh sometimes
how do you feel about the media? They change things meanings and take things out of context other than that they're alright.
Anything Else? Nope :)
Please Link to 3 Applications you voted on: voted on all the open ones.