What is it about Astrology that keeps people interested in it? I just don't understand. I got suckered into the mystique and mystery of it all for a while, but as I grew up, I looked at it critically, and found it even more wanting than religion.
A rational investigation finds Astrology extremely wanting )
Comments 14
Not only that, I changed which sign got looked up halfway through - and the people reading it didn't notice (ie those looking up aries horoscopes were given leo horoscopes).
Don't take my comments as defending astrology in any way.
It's BUNK. Like you said :)
(Not that it stands up to close scrutiny, it's just a thought...)
If Astrology has a use, it's
a) historical (giving us some insight into how the ancients thought, and as something that Astronomy grew out of)
b) Entertainment
c) A decision making tool, along the same lines as the I-ching or the Magic 8 Ball...
To further explain c), if faced with a decision with no clear best choice, I will sometimes toss a coin or roll dice. I won't neccessarily go with those results, but I find it helps me focus, and gets me moving onto more important decisions.
I'm not really defending astrology... it IS bunk in every important sense... but I like to play devil's advocate sometimes. :D
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