Title: Attack Dog
alicebluegown16Rating: PG-14/R (for themes, not porn)
Summary: John McCain meets a real pitbull.
Characters/Pairing: John McCain, Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama, implied Obama/Emanuel if you choose to read it that way.
Author's Note/Warnings: This fic is inspired by a quote from the Newsweek Election Post Mortem. This fic is not
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Comments 7
Wow, I hope you write more. I loved the dialog here, it rang so true to me. Especially Rahm's.
More, peeze. :)
I think the line that made me laugh out loud hardest was "Maybe he was visited by three spirits or something"! Rahm would make an excellent Ghost of Fucking Christmas Past, wouldn't he?
*flails and squeaks irl*
You...omg this is awesome. I love it so much.
It's...the political bits make *sense* and Rahm is so *fucking* in love and he's terrified of the same exact horiffic things *I* am and, and God, the idea of somebody making people *pay* for waking up this mob they can't put back down is just the best vindictive but also kind of *justified* wish-fulfillment badassery ever and.
ilu. ilu so much. Write lots, okay?
I'm glad someone besides me thinks it makes sense as this was a profoundly selfish exercise. I wrote it to make myself feel better once it became obvious that they would not as SNL put it "Strip Lieberman naked and force him to walk home to Connecticut."
... I said that exact same thing to my mom! Well, not really, but it was damn close to this.
I remember hearing accounts from people attending an Obama rally during the campaign...where they were waived through without being checked because there were long lines, WTF?
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