Title: Sane People
By: Polgara (melindoranightsilver@hotmail.com)
Fandom: BtVS/NCIS
coppersinger wanted Buffy/Gibbs "I like the way you drive."
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own none of these characters.
Summary: Tony was excited that Gibbs wasn't driving back to D.C.
Sane People )
Comments 4
Even if Tony decided that he couldn't be left out, this is absolutely the start of a beautiful relationship... ;p
Should Buffy and Gibbs ever decide to get to know each other better, I definitely wouldn't object. *mwah*
Seriously, Tony wouldn't shut up in my head about it. But can you just picture Buffy quietly dozing as Gibbs zips in and out through traffic. :)
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