Buffygate Fic: You're Gonna Need It 92/100

Feb 09, 2007 08:09

Title: You’re Gonna Need It 92/100
Author: Polgara
Rating: PG
TtH Prompt: #34 Luck
Fandom/Theme: Buffy/Stargate SG-1
Wordcount: 301
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters featured here. They belong to their respective creators and production companies.
Distribution: My site - Worlds of Possibilities, ff.net, Wormhole Crossing, and TtH.
Spoilers: Takes place in season nine of SG-1, so definitely new characters and situations. Plus anything before is fair game. Everything of Buffy is fair game.
A/N: This was written for the tth100. Hopefully, all of these entries will be loosely linked together.
Series: Buffygate
Summary: Thanksgiving is fast approaching.

You’re Gonna Need It

Dawn looked over at her sister’s teammates’ smiling faces and sadly shook her head. Her sister had stepped out for a moment, leaving her alone for the first time since she had arrived for Thanksgiving Break. “You guys have absolutely no idea what you’ve gotten yourselves into, do you?”

“What do you mean?” Cameron asked.

“Buffy and Thanksgiving.”

“Yeah, we’re having dinner here tomorrow,” Vala said with a small shrug of her shoulders. “What’s the big deal?”

“You really have no clue. She didn’t prepare you?” Dawn asked in surprise.

“Prepare us? For what?” Daniel asked.

Dawn groaned as she leaned forward to bury her face in her hands. When she looked back up at them, her long brown hair framed her face. “How to put this delicately… Buffy is like a Thanksgiving Nazi. Everything has to be perfect.”

“Everything?” Daniel skeptically asked.

“Oh yeah. If she asks you to do something make sure she’s a specific as possible. ‘Cause even if you’re just a little off, even though she didn’t tell you everything and just expects you to read her mind, she’ll freak.”

“Oh no,” Daniel said, pinching the bridge of his nose. It was such a Giles gesture that Dawn just had to smile.

She looked over at Cameron. “You’re in even bigger trouble.”

“Me? Why me? What did I do?” Cameron asked in slight panic.

“You’re her boy-toy… Man, I’ve been hanging out with Faith too much,” she said apologetically when she saw Cameron and Daniel blush. She fought back a giggle at Vala’s wicked grin. “You’re her new… man so she’ll expect more from you.”

“We’re in trouble,” Vala said with a sigh.

“Hey!” Cameron protested. “I can do this.”

“I think you’re gonna need luck… and a lot of it,” Dawn said.


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