I honestly have come to think this is a non-issue. And, better it come up now than later. You are right, what about Clinton's past? And, well, while Obama may not be a cheater (though there was a rumor he had an affair once), he certainly has other issues that were never fully vetted.
The truth is, men who are powerful leaders often are also philanderers. It goes, to some degree, with the territory. Not all are, but it does happen. I think Newt's over his less than monogamous ways and has settled down. Also, it is ironic that this second wife was dating him while he was still with his FIRST wife! Any way... maybe, what goes around comes around.
I know. Only one question matters now: Would Newt Gingrich make a good President? I truly believe he would, especially because he doesn't also insist that if you vote for him, you have to believe in certain religious/moral positions, etc. etc. the way that some of the other candidates do. And he isn't stupid about Iran (or any other dangerous nation) the way Ron Paul is. So I'm fine with his lifestyle -- he isn't a murderer, he was honest about the open marriage thing from the start, and he seems not to have been into anything really bad -- because it won't change or warp his skills and experience in the things that count if you're going to be President.
I also lean strongly toward Newt. I wasn't crazy about his attack on Bain and Romney, but -- it also shows what a fierce and fearless fighter he is and - frankly, if he can pull ahead now it is a testimony to his awesomeness. Of course, there is also a chance that Obama would have brought all the Bain stuff up any way. I actually don't think Romney did anything wrong, but it was a test.
Newt is absolutely strong on foreign policy and I think he has good and bold ideas for the economy. And, they are ideas that follow economically conservative principals.
All true. He also understands the strategic importance of Israel, and why we must be a strong ally to her -- her enemies are our enemies, after all, and she stands in the way of a trans-Middle East revived Persian empire (with nukes, yet). He also understands the need to harden our infrastructure, such as the Grid, against drastically energetic solar flares and CMEs and against deliberately induced EMPs. And so on and on and on. He knows what's really needed by this country, and would do his best to provide it. And maybe, just maybe, he can get this country back from the bastards that have stolen it.
Comments 4
The truth is, men who are powerful leaders often are also philanderers. It goes, to some degree, with the territory. Not all are, but it does happen. I think Newt's over his less than monogamous ways and has settled down. Also, it is ironic that this second wife was dating him while he was still with his FIRST wife! Any way... maybe, what goes around comes around.
The issues matter more.
Newt is absolutely strong on foreign policy and I think he has good and bold ideas for the economy. And, they are ideas that follow economically conservative principals.
It will be interesting to see how things develop!
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