And how was *your* day? :-D

Dec 09, 2011 17:35

Elderly man may have been murdered at retirement home -

That's what I learned this morning as I waited for the elevator to take me down to the first floor of my building so I could go run errands. Upon coming back this evening, I learned from some other tenants that last night someone had been trying the doors on the 6th and 7th floor,not knocking, but carefully trying the doorknobs to see if any were unlocked. It appears we have a predtor in the building. Just what we needed. I'm not too worried for myself; I always throw the deadbolt in the evening. But between this and the arrest of our nightwatchman for the murder of a little girl in Illinois a few months back, this building is beginning to look like it's cursed.

Update @ 11:27 pm Friday December 9, 2011: Navy veteran murdered in Seattle retirement home | Seattle

murder, navy, seattle, danger, veterans, threats

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