GOP Tea Party Debate: Audience Cheers, Says Society Should Let Uninsured Patient Die

Sep 14, 2011 19:53

A bit of a startling moment happened near the end of Monday night's CNN debate when a hypothetical question was posed to Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas ( Read more... )

barbarism, insurance, medical issues, civilization, libertarianism, cruelty, bestiality, savagery, evil, road rage

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Comments 8

banner September 15 2011, 04:51:14 UTC
That headline, and the article, are misleading. Powerlineblog covered what was really said and what really happened. But of course that didn't fit the narrative, so they had to mis-report it.


polaris93 September 15 2011, 04:53:21 UTC
Oh ho! Well, this is on HuffPo, and it's not surprising that they slanted/misreported the incident. My apologies.


mauser September 16 2011, 09:29:48 UTC
Remember that the Liberals were the ones calling for death in the case of Terry Schaivo.

(Although the post mortem did prove the decision correct).


polaris93 September 16 2011, 19:36:32 UTC
As somebody said in a comment on a different post, more and more craies aer turning up among both liberals and conservatives. And happily calling for the deaths of people you don't even know, who have never done anything to hurt you personally, as if they were the star attraction at a lynching, is bestial. I'm sorry, but nobody ought to do that. Not taxing people to cover medical insurance for everyone is one thing; I can get into that, as long as there is regret that it must be done (and there's always charity to bridge the gap, at least in some places). But a lynching, and as entertainment? No way.

However, that said, as banner pointed out, what really happened there wasn't quite what HuffPo reported. No surprise: HuffPo is as "liberal" as they get (read: meaner than sin, and damned liars). Banner's comment, and my reply to it, is also on this page.


mauser September 16 2011, 20:22:44 UTC
The difference is that the Hypothetical Comatose Man was hypothetical, whereas Schaivo was a real person. That's what I was driving at.


polaris93 September 16 2011, 20:23:25 UTC
That's true. And what was the thing about autopsy?


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