1. You actually have to pay attention to your driving. In a car, not so much.
2. You can smell and feel your surroundings. A sudden drop in air temp, the flowers that are blooming, a neighborhood bar-b-cue, the wind that pushes you enough that you have to push back.
3. Big Harley guys will actually wave to little Honda 90 guys.
4. Your bike will get stared at all day long. Your jelly bean car, not so much.
5. You save so much in gas, you can go buy a bag of jelly beans. And pay some bills, and eat a steak dinner. And go to the movies . . .
Comments 2
2. You can smell and feel your surroundings. A sudden drop in air temp, the flowers that are blooming, a neighborhood bar-b-cue, the wind that pushes you enough that you have to push back.
3. Big Harley guys will actually wave to little Honda 90 guys.
4. Your bike will get stared at all day long. Your jelly bean car, not so much.
5. You save so much in gas, you can go buy a bag of jelly beans. And pay some bills, and eat a steak dinner. And go to the movies . . .
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