You want to know why I oppose Islam? *This* is why I oppose Islam

Oct 12, 2010 11:34

That, and ten thousand bazillion godzillion other reasons. This story seems to have a happy ending, but out of all the women who have been beaten, raped, mutilated, murdered, and otherwise horribly treated by men (and, even worse, sometimes, women) high on adrenaline, self-importance, and malignant narcissism -- not to mention those men who are ( Read more... )

medicine, medical issues, bullying, sociopathology, bastards, women, sexism, surgery, psychopathology, cruelty, islam, bullies, evil, assholes, men

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Comments 8

expanding_x_man October 12 2010, 19:12:02 UTC
Of course, Time was criticized by many on the left for showing Aisha on the cover disfigured. They said it was propaganda for "neocolonialism" and "imperialism" and well, the war and so on. It is actually possible to oppose the war in Afghanistan or Iraq and be against these kinds of mutilations, although the left is right that seeing these and other atrocities can also harden the resolve necessary to go forward in the war against global Islamic fascism. So, again, they are holding hands with the Islamic radicals - what else is new? But, really, if you point this out to people, people who are leaning left but not radical leftists, they are surprised. An awareness of this helped clue me into leaving the left.

I am so glad the medical advances are helping her and that she has shared her story. I look forward to a time when this treatment of women ends.


polaris93 October 12 2010, 19:15:27 UTC
Of course, Time was criticized by many on the left for showing Aisha on the cover disfigured. They said it was propaganda for "neocolonialism" and "imperialism" and well, the war and so on. It is actually possible to oppose the war in Afghanistan or Iraq and be against these kinds of mutilations, although the left is right that seeing these and other atrocities can also harden the resolve necessary to go forward in the war against global Islamic fascism. So, again, they are holding hands with the Islamic radicals - what else is new? But, really, if you point this out to people, people who are leaning left but not radical leftists, they are surprised. An awareness of this helped clue me into leaving the left.

Why I blog. XD

I am so glad the medical advances are helping her and that she has shared her story. I look forward to a time when this treatment of women ends.Islam has got to dump its encouragement of maltreatment of women and children -- if anything is calculated to drive away potential converts, it's got to be that (why women ( ... )


hannahsarah October 12 2010, 23:51:13 UTC
What infuriates me is how American "feminists" can look the other way, when this is happening with such alarming frequency that it's just becoming background noise


polaris93 October 13 2010, 02:22:36 UTC
There are idiots everywhere. Those "feminists" are just a new breed of idiot. Darwin Awards will eventually take care of their problem (though in the meantime we have to kick them out of the way if we want to get anything useful done, I suppose). This isn't going to become so much background noise -- I plan to keep right on blogging every instance of this I can, and I imagine one hell of a lot of other women will, too.


brezhnev October 18 2010, 08:49:57 UTC
Yeah, they're so caught up in their knee-jerk responses that they don't stop to think.


polaris93 October 18 2010, 09:15:24 UTC
Which is true of liberals and the Left in general. Ironically, they're also forever accusing those on the right of having nothing but knee-jerk responses to whatever. They got that from their political elders, the ones who came of age in the 1960s and had some real brains, which they don't. The current crop is just repeating apparently clever quips they've heard their parents, teachers, and group-leaders use. "Two legs bad, four legs good! Two legs bad, four legs good! Baaaahhh! Baaaahhh!"


anonymous October 13 2010, 02:54:30 UTC
The Buddhists are worse. Much much much much worse.


polaris93 October 13 2010, 03:12:06 UTC
Which Buddhists? The Japanese did what they did during WW 2 and before because of things peculiar to that culture, not present in all Buddhist cultures in general. In fact, the indigenous Japanese religion is Shinto, not Buddhism, though there are now far more Buddhists in Japan than practitioners of other religions. Nice try, but it won't work. And no, I do not intend to convert to Islam. I'd have to be crazy to do so.


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