Parents: Dying Girl Kathleen Edward Taunted By Neighbors In Trenton

Oct 09, 2010 20:21

TRENTON, Mich. - Her family says 7-year-old Kathleen Edward is in the final stages of a degenerative brain disorder diagnosed as Huntington's Disease - the same disease which killed her mother, Laura, when she was only 24 ( Read more... )

sickness, death, sociopathology, bastards, cruelty, psychopathology, evil, assholes

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Comments 14

mosinging1986 October 10 2010, 03:33:47 UTC
I started reading/viewing the video and couldn't do it. Same thing with the story about the bullying.

What sort of upbringing are children being given these days?! These aren't children, they are monsters!


polaris93 October 10 2010, 03:36:19 UTC
Yes, they are. They are in fact sociopaths, and their families seem to be sociopaths. Actually, sociopaths are, unfortumately, more prevalent than we'd ever like to think. But maybe exposing them like this to public view will ultimately help to take action that minimizes this sort of horror-story. After all, the woman who bullied that one girl into committing suicide some years back, pretending to be a handsome boy who at first "liked" the girl and then "rejected" her, finally had to leave town with her family to get out from under the hugely negative reaction that people in that town had to what she had done. So let's keep the spotlight on this sort of thing -- it just may do some good.


mosinging1986 October 10 2010, 03:53:13 UTC
Good to know. The internet really can be helpful in situations like this.


polaris93 October 10 2010, 03:54:37 UTC
Don't expect it to change things for the better significantly overnight, though. Social revolutions can take a long time. But in cases like this, they are worth pushing for.


brezhnev October 10 2010, 06:53:05 UTC
Somebody there is just begging for a beating.


polaris93 October 10 2010, 06:55:15 UTC
Or maybe retroactive abortion. Something. I propose a coalition of Bats Against Bullies ("bats" being of any age and/or gender): every time one of us sees one of these stories in the news, we blog it; every time we see it blogged elsewhere in LJ, we repost. OK?


hannahsarah October 10 2010, 07:11:00 UTC
OMG, that video! Those two scumbags seemed to really be enjoying the attention, too. "Look, we're the REAL victims!" Completely disgusting trash.

Huntingtons is what killed Arlo Guthrie. :-(


polaris93 October 10 2010, 07:15:42 UTC
OMG, that video! Those two scumbags seemed to really be enjoying the attention, too. "Look, we're the REAL victims!" Completely disgusting trash.

I propose we form an informal coalition: Bats Against Bullies. "Bats" being any age, any gender, any walk of life. When any of us runs across an article or news item about bullying, we blog it; when we run across something about bullying in somebody's blog on LJ, we re-post. What do you say?

Huntingtons is what killed Arlo Guthrie. :-(

Sorry, but it was Woody Guthrie -- Arlo is still very much alive and well. And Woody Guthrie had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the same thing that Stephen Hawking has, and died of it.


hannahsarah October 10 2010, 09:18:24 UTC
Ack! I always get the two Guthrie's names mixed up.

I double checked, and I was right about the cause of death. I remember because Arlo grew up knowing that he had a very good chance of having it or being a carrier. Woody's mother died in an institution at a fairly young age, and it's generally thought that she probably had Huntinton's too.


hannahsarah October 10 2010, 09:27:44 UTC
I love this!


nighthawkal October 11 2010, 03:41:11 UTC
That's awful. Why would someoen joke about someone dying of an awful disease like that?...


polaris93 October 11 2010, 03:51:37 UTC
The someone in question is a true sociopath -- there's a video in that article that shows a news interview with the harassers, and it's very clear from their behavior that they have no conscience, no sense of right and wrong, that they are malignant narcissists whose only morality, if you will, is "Will this get me caught/punished?" They can't love -- their neurological development in the womb was such that they don't have the brain structures to facilitate that rich emotion -- and don't have much in the way of emotional lives. Only excitement attracts them -- that, and the bright red of adrenaline rushes. Otherwise their world is grey, grey, grey, emotionally speaking. For the same reason, they can't empathize with others. They really don't understand the reactions they're provoking from just about everyone who learns about this, and when they finally push people far enough and get totaled by the reaction, they will wonder, "But doesn't everyone look at things the way we do? Isn't everyone like us? Why are they so angry at us ( ... )


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