The Austringer » The Latest PETA Lunacy: “Sea Kittens” Pajamas Media » PETA’s Pet Slaughterhouse Pet Connection Blog » ‘Pedigree Dogs Exposed’ producer blasts PETA caveat :: PETA: OK TO EAT MEAT, PET OWNERSHIP A GOOD THING PETA wants a human-free world. Which would mean that there would be no way for Earthly life to leave the Earth for some other world when life on Earth is no longer tenable -- and there will come a time when that is the case, and it won't have a damned thing to do with humanity, one way or another. All living worlds die at some point, either under the hammer-blows of impactors, or due to radical climate change, or simply because their star, as it inevitably will, becomes too hot for life, goes off the Main Sequence, and swells up into a red giant before dying. Unless the life of such worlds finds a way off them and takes up residence elsewhere, it will become utterly extinct. Take away human beings from our world and Earth's life has nothing else to get it where it needs to go -- and there just isn't enough time now to evolve something else that can do the job if we kick off before reaching the stars. Thanks for trying to murder the Earth, PETA! PETA has become a planetary cancer vectored by viral memes (and, maybe, genes), and a vicious, spreading, potentially lethal one.