Title: Friends
polari-sPairing: Kyumin, ninja!yewook
Raiting: PG13
Genre: fluffy
Summary: Kyuhyun was the luckiest person in his college, but when he started to share his dorm with another person, things just changed.
lee-jinki and
mi-nnie, i was thinking in do something close to your daily lives AS THIS FICTION IS TO YOU TWO ♥, but it would be so
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Comments 15
WELL ~forget it~ yesterday, today and all the next days should be wonderful days~!! Happy first anniversary for you two! So much love for you! And fights no more! \roda
thank you thank you thank you yeye ah~ ♥
and I promise you won't see us fighting again asfasçlfmasçld ):
i love you kyua!!~
One he knew, was Sungmin, the boy who he would start to share a dorm with, but the boy with high cheekbones and the other with a big head were still strange to him. I laughed hard at that part asdjdka, yesung and his head ♥
You know yeye, one year is a lot of time, really ): and I'm sorry, we weren't meant of fight that day, we just needed to talk to each other, put things in the right way, both of us weren't handle it any longer, we weren't talking to each other that much, we were about to explode. I'm really sorry because you are with us that time, we promise to each other to not fight again, you can be mad with us if we did it :D you know I don't like to fight with bb, but sometimes we just have our stressed moments, once again, I'm sorry.
And thank you so much for this, we love you ♥
And being in the same room with Sungmin wasn't a good thing at this point, because Kyuhyun couldn't concentrate at all as Ryeowook was always there and the both kept talking no sense. That made me laugh a lot for some reason; Wookie and Minnie talking nonsense XP
Sungmin's so cute getting drunk and making Kyuhyun go with him ^^
What a cute story..
I <3 this
Min asking to be friend of Kyu, what a sweet~
And the last line, awwww
<333 this very much
glad you liked~
kyumin love ♥ and yewook love ♥ :D
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