[BW!] Giveaways + Whole Bunch of Requests

Jan 22, 2011 23:16

SInce I'm too lazy to post too many entries...-.-"

Firstly, This is the final list of all the Tepigs that are still available for trade/giveaway, after I got one IMO perfect battler Tepig (19, 31, 31, 10, 31, 31) and one shiny, aka stop my IV/nature/Masuda breeding for the piggy.
I'm going to change this a little, since my boxes are become full (seriously...I can't even reserve a box to keep all my DW pokes now...:S ). Male Tepigs with 3 perfect IVs are now all freebies! Those with 4 and female with 3 are still trade, however. Female with just 2 remains as giveaways as before. If you want to change your reservation for a better Tepig, you may!

This giveaway will be up until April 15, so yes, reservation from people waiting for US/European BW is possible. Just be sure to claim it before the given date, otherwise I will release your Tepig.

EDIT: To prevent confusion, I'll bold all the Tepigs that are for trade, so you know you can't choose these guys if you want free Tepigs. I only put them in together in case someone with BW want to trade with me (for pokeshifting service, Gen 5 shiny, shiny legendaries from any gens, Gen 5 pokes with 3 or more perfect IV / good nature, DW Eeveelutions, DW starters, DW female with at least 1 perfect IV / good nature, etc.)

Adamant (HP, At, Df) x2
Adamant (HP, At, SA) x3
Adamant (HP, At, SD) x11 (reserved for Tombstoner (Smogon), DTrain5742 (Smogon), 9 left)
Adamant (HP, At, Sp) x3 (1 traded; reserved for rika24 and Mycul99 (Serebii))
Adamant (HP, SA, SD)
Adamant (At, Df, SA)
Adamant (At, Df, SD) (reserved for Keldeo (Bulbagarden))
Adamant (At, Df, Sp) x2 (reserved for Ginji (Serebii) and Kepperino (Smogon))
Adamant (At, SA, SD) x3
Adamant (At, SD, Sp) x5 (1 traded; reserved for DarthChocoboz (Smogon), billigekot (Smogon), WeezingFTW (Smogon); 1 left)
Adamant (HP, At, SA, SD)
Adamant (At, Df, SA, SD)
Bashful (HP, At, Df)
Bashful (HP, At, SD)
Bashful (At, Df, SA)
Bold (HP, At, Sp) x2
Brave (HP, At, Sp) (reserved for ~Golden Emp (Smogon))
Careful (At, Df, SD)
Careful (At, SA, SD)
Docile (HP, At, SD)
Docile (At, SD, Sp)
Gentle (HP, At, Df)
Gentle (At, Df, SD)
Gentle (At, Df, Sp)
Hardy (At, SA, Sp)
Hasty (HP, At, SA) (reserved for Shinyweavile (Smogon))
Hasty (At, SA, SD)
Impish (At, Df, SD)
Jolly (HP, At, Df)
Jolly (At, Df, SA, Sp)
Lax (HP, At, Df)
Lax (At, SA, SD)
Lonely (HP, At, Sp) (reserved for jayrahe )
Mild (At, Df, SD) (reserved for animefreak55 (Serebii))
Modest (HP, At, SA)
Naive (HP, At, Df) x2
Naive (HP, At, SD)
Naive (At, SA, SD)
Naughty (At, Df, SD)
Quiet (HP, At, Df)
Quiet (HP, At, SD)
Quirky (HP, At, SA)
Quirky (At, Df, SD)
Quirky (At, SD, Sp)
Rash (HP, At, SD)
Rash (At, Df, SA)
Relaxed (At, Df, SD, Sp)
Sassy (HP, At, Df) x2
Sassy (HP, At, Sp)
Serious (HP, At, SD)
Serious (At, SD, Sp)
Serious (HP, At, SD, Sp)
Timid (HP, At, Df)
Timid (HP, At, SA)
Timid (At, Df, SD)
Timid (At, Df, Sp)

Adamant (HP, At) (reserved for alexdeorange )
Adamant (At, Sp) (reserved for Linda (Bulbagarden))
Adamant (At, SA) (reserved for rika24 )
Adamant (At, SD) x3 (reserved for shayminXIII (Serebii); 2 left)
Adamant (HP, At, Df)
Adamant (HP, At, SD) x2
Adamant (At, Df, SA)
Adamant (At, SA, SD) x2
Bashful (At, Df)
Bold (At, Df)
Bold (HP, At, Sp)
Brave (At, Df)
Docile (HP, At)
Docile (At, Df, SA)
Gentle (HP, At)
Gentle (At, SA)
Hardy (HP, At)
Impish (HP, At)
Impish (HP, At, Df)
Jolly (At, Df)
Lax (HP, At) x2
Lonely (HP, At, SD)
Mild (At, Df)
Naughty (At, Df)
Naughty (HP, At, SA)
Quiet (At, SA, SD)
Quirky (HP, At)
Rash (At, SA) (reserved for Blitzle (Bulbagarden))
Sassy (At, Df) (reserved for norway )
Sassy (HP, At, SD)
Serious (HP, At)


Secondly, I did a IV/nature-breeding request for Baruchai a couple of days ago, and have a couple left after I'm done with the request, so now, I'm giving them away. Like with the Tepig, this giveaway will be running until April 15, so you can ask for reservation of these Baruchai while waiting for your countries to release the game. Just make sure you come to claim them before April 15. -.-"

Bold (At, SD) (reserved for alexdeorange)
Bold (Df, SA)
Bold (Df, Sp) (reserved for animefreak55 (Serebii))
Bold (Df, SD) (reserved for shayminXIII (Serebii))
Bold (SD, Sp) (reserved for Blitzle (Bulbagarden))
Bold (HP, At, SD) x2 (reserved for jayrahe and ledgem)
Bold (At, SD, Sp) (traded)
Bold (Df, SA, Sp) x2 (reserved for norway and Kepperino (Smogon))
Bold (Df, SD, Sp) (reserved for kittenmay (Smogon))
Careful (Df, SA)
Careful (SD, Sp) (reserved for tentafool (Smogon))
Careful (Df, SD, Sp) (reserved for bharmalm (Smogon))
Docile (HP, Df) (traded)
Hardy (SA, SD)
Mild (At, Df, SD)
Naive (HP, SA, SD)


Thirdly, I'm currently collecting Gen 5 shinies, so...I'm up for a shiny-for-shiny trade. All the shinies I'll trade will be the clone from legit shiny pokes I either got myself or got in a trade with someone else. I can also offer clone of my own Zekrom, Victini (not UT) and Thundurus, as well as a clone of my traded Reshiram and Tornadus for the shinies. I'll only accept either legit or clone-from-legit in return for them. I'm OK if you're just going to lend me your shiny for 5 minutes as well. I'll do the cloning myself and give it back to you (but you can keep whichever clone you want from me).

My shiny list (all UT):
Tepig (nicknamable)
Oshawott (nicknamable)
Sewaddle (nicknamable)


Fourthly, I'll looking for DW-for-DW trading.

Here are the DW females that I have:
Ponyta, Surskit, Vulpix, Tangela, Tropius, Chatot, Aerodactyl, Farfetch'd, Rattata, Exeggucute, Oddish, Pidgey, Tentacool, Hoppip, Castform, Poliwag, Wailmer, Remoraid, Miltank, Anorith, Yanma, Horsea, Mareep, Swablu, Shellos, Shinx, Lapras, Dratini, Growlithe, Pachirisu, Skarmory

I'm looking for any other DW female pokes that I don't have yet. Will breed any of the ones that I have (plus, you can choose to have either a nature and 1 perfect IV stat or 2 perfect IV stat. I'll IV/nature-breed for you). Will highly appreciate if someone can either clone me the legit DW Eeveelutions or starters as well, or lend it to me for 5 minutes. I'll treat these the same as shiny pokes. >_<"


Lastly, I'm looking for someone to help me pokeshift some pokes. I don't have much to offer back for this, but I'm willing to do IV/nature breeding (up to 2 perfect IVs if you want nature as well, and 3 if you don't care about nature) for pretty much all Gen 5 pokes. I prefer to have someone in similar timezone as I am to help me out, so it's easier to arrange the time, but if you're in EST or something, we can work something out...I think...>_<"


That's all...for now...

White FC: 0518 2942 0809
Available 6PM-10PM GMT+7

List updated: Feb 6, 2011

giveaways, tepig, shinies, trades, bw

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