Title: Illuminating Setting: London, 1880 Response to the 15minuteficlets challenge - electric And for smut_69 - #51 lips Progress: 35/69 My Smut Table Disclaimer: Joss, ME, Fox yadayada own the characters. I'm just messin'.
Title: Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This For smut_69 Pairing: William/Angelus Rating: Mature Setting: London, 1880 Prompt word: #59 Best Friends Progress: 34/69 My Smut Table
Title: La Belle Epoque #4 For smut_69 Pairing: William/Angelus Rating: Mature Setting: Paris, 1889 La Belle Epoque #1-3 Prompt word: #68 Writer's choice - hedonism Progress: 32/69 My Smut Table
Title: La Belle Epoque #2 For smut_69 Pairing: William/Angelus Rating: Mature Setting: Paris, 1889 Follow-up to La Belle Epoque #1 Prompt word: #67 Writer's choice - fantasy Progress: 30/69 My Smut Table
Title: Transparent For smut_69 Pairing: William/Angelus Rating: Mature Setting: Amsterdam, 1881 Part of the Figgy series Word count: 881 Prompt word: #48 Cunning Progress: 29/69 My Smut Table