Aug 23, 2007 00:57

Good luck with muk and it's poison gas, make one wrong move and it'll kick yo' GRASS.

MOAR pokemon type fuckery from meee.  I mus apologize for this, as It's extremely late and I wanted to finish all three before submitting, but I'm working lots and keep falling asleep watching el boyfriendo play FF12.  Thus, no colouring >:C

I digress...

:D or just one and a half for now.

Fire type SHINX and a sketchy Luxray head [that's allowed right?  evolution types in the same picture, seeing as thouh it's the sae idea carried forward. heh]
Blue fire obvs, because it's just that much cooler :D

The Luxray will look so sexy, srsly.  I just need to kick myself up the bum and finish it.

Pokedex info: Through kinetic energy, it's muscles produce vast amounts of heat.  This pokemon is so hot it shimmers and wavers to the eye.

it's a deviation of the electric lions basic concept anyway [i ran a little dry this time. buh]

I will post the coloured luxray tomorrow.  Luxio may never see the ligyht of day. I tried to finish it yesterday and the sight of it is making me sick. ugh.



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