How This Works

Jun 11, 2011 23:49

Quick Links - General Information / Rules / Important Dates / Posting Format / FAQ
Dial-A-Mod / Prompt Post / Match-Up Post / Pinch-Hit Post / Venting Post

General Information

✗ A big bang is where people work together to enrich their fandom by writing, drawing, and creating.

✗ For this big bang in particular, authors challenge themselves to write a Pokémon fic of at least ten thousand words over a set three-month period. Artists work with the writers to make it a mixed-media extravaganza! People can also offer their beta-reading services.


✗ All verses (games, anime, manga, etc.), pairings, characters (including Pokémon, excepting original characters), and ratings are welcome.

✗ Everyone is welcome to participate!

✗ To participate, you have to join the comm and sign up: writers here, artists here, beta-readers here.
  • You can't sign up for more than one position (e.g. as both a writer and an artist). There are two reasons for this. One, if you're a writer, you're going to be busy. Two, as one of the goals of this challenge is to work with others, you can't write and draw for yourself. That means you'll be participating in two groups, which means twice the work-we don't want you to burn out!
✗ Writers: your fic must be at least ten thousand words long. Longer is okay.

✗ Artists: illustrations, manips, collages, icons, graphics, fanmixes, fanvids, and pretty much anything else is acceptable-if you're not sure, ask. Fanmixes must be at least five songs long (longer is okay).

✗ One author can work with up to two artists and one beta-reader. There should be no more than one writer, two artists, and one beta-reader to a group. Groups can be smaller, of course-even as small as a single writer.

✗ There are two ways that everyone can collaborate:
  • A writer and (an) artist(s) (and possibly) a beta-reader are already friends and work together from the very beginning to produce a mixed-media work, or
  • Writers anonymously post a summary of their fic at the round's match-up post and artists and beta-readers can claim fics that interest them.
✗ No drama. If there's a problem, please resolve it quietly and privately or PM the mods if you need help.


✗ Writer and Beta-Reader sign-ups last until May 1, 2012.

✗ Artist sign-ups last until June 1, 2012.

✗ The big bang begins on May 3, 2012 and ends on August 3, 2012.

✗ For a detailed breakdown of important dates and how things will work during the Big Bang period, please click here to see the calendar of events [coming soon].

✗ Reminder/update posts and other meme-ish things will be posted during the creating period, so please watch the comm for updates.

Posting Format

✗ Don't publish your fic here (a 10k fic is too long for a single post, anyway, and no one likes spam). However, you do have to post a master list to this comm: an entry that contains links to all the parts of your story and all related artworks. ( click here for examples.)

✗ Please send your proposed master lists to by [date not set]. For more information on the masterlist submission process, click here.

✗ You can host your fics and artworks anywhere, as long as they're freely accessible and readers don't have to sign up or anything first.

✗ Use this format for your masterlist post:
Author: (LJ username)
Artist(s): (optional, remove if unnecessary)
Beta-Reader: (optional, remove if unnecessary)
Final Tally: (wordcount, fanmix length, # artwork(s) completed, etc.)
Verse: (anime, games (generation?), manga (series?), etc.; specifics = better)
Notes: (optional, remove if unnecessary)

Don't forget to add links to everything here! At the very least, please tell us how you plan to host your fics and artwork. (FFN? AO3? LJ? An LJ comm or account? Photobucket? LJ's image hosting? DeviantArt?) More info is better!

If you are in any way confused or have questions or need clarification or anything, please comment here.

pokemon_bigbang is brought to you by pokeprompts.


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