Title: A Year In Misery Almost Sort Of
Chapter: Thirteen out of ?
Pairings: House/Cuddy
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em. Don't sue me.
Summary: Cuddy recalls her past and the relationship she had with House during the college days.
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Comments 6
It was a way to hide their true selves yet still manage to expose themselves enough so the other understood. It was a common connection. --> just beautiful and sooo true.
And I love how House is so subtle at trying to figure Cuddy out, but also that Cuddy is smart enough to pick up on it. :) *off to check your main journal to make sure I didn't miss any more fics*
I'm glad you're enjoying my fics, btw. Seriously. Your comments are always so nice to receive. :o)
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