This turned out far fluffier than intended

Nov 24, 2010 15:06

[So life is good. Really, really damn good. Sure, this will definitely not last, and it's probably the calm before the storm, but right now... It's good. And what happens when life is good?

...More training. Silver, you're rather predictable. But today he's training more or less out in the open, and... That definitely isn't his regular team he's out training, is it? No, today, some of his newer additions are being focused on. He hasn't been devoting as much time to them as he could be, considering he's needed to focus on his core team recently to make sure they're strong enough to deal what may come in the near future, but...

Out of their Pokéballs are Weavile and Honchkrow, two staples of his team. They're currently sparring with each other, Honchkrow aiming powerful attacks at Weavile and Weavile moving swiftly to dodge them- occasionally they switch roles. Arcanine- a Pokemon originally caught by a younger him from his home, then traded to Paul, then returned to him- and Rin- a shiny Lucario, yellow in color, traded to him from Yellow- are currently running side by side, Arcanine helping Rin perfect a new move- Extremespeed. And finally, Silver focuses his attention on two Pokémon. The first is a Milotic, who was caught as a Feebas on a random fishing trip with Yellow, then evolved... Through a newly discovered training method. It's currently mastered and is practicing Ice Beam- it was relatively easy to get his hands on the TM, all thanks to some time at the Game Corner that he isn't willing to fess up about.

The same applies to the final Pokemon he's focusing his attention on- Gastly. He received this Gastly quite some time ago from Reggie, as a newborn. It's come quite far since then. It's learned Thunderbolt, a basic move or two, and... Is currently trying to perfect a Shadow Ball. Holding the ball of energy and firing it properly, however, is a work in progress; as it fires its Shadow Ball, it fires off course, instead of straight ahead of it and aimed at some random rock, like it was trying to do. For a second, it looks discouraged.]

It's fine. You'll get it soon enough. Try it again. [Gastly tries one more time, this time putting more power into its move... But still no luck. And it's starting to get frustrated. But Silver lets out a small sigh and grabs his... Still considerably small Gastly, considering it's still rather young, and pulls it towards him, so they're looking at each other, eye to eye. He stays like that for a good moment or two, making sure he has Gastly's complete attention, before saying anything.] ...Relax. You're trying too hard and losing your focus.

[Gastly stares at him for a moment... Before giving him an affectionate lick on the cheek. But this is an innocent lick without the paralysis that usually comes from his licks- between Gastly, Absol, and Arcanine, Silver's grown used to it. Silver then lets go, giving the tangible part of Gastly some sort of pat on the head, before encouraging it to try one more time. And it does. But this time... Not as a Gastly.

Congratulations! Your Gastly has evolved into Haunter! And has successfully fired off a Shadow Ball, breaking the target rock into bits.

...If his expression is any indication, Silver was obviously not expecting this.]

user: tsuuuun, this is adorable

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