Peter pan has finally arrived to town

Nov 09, 2010 03:38

[Or something like that.  He's actually been here for a few days wandering the Aurora forest in confusion. When he made it to the forest edge he met a weird camping boy before getting here by riding on Zoroark's back. Now he is in town/CMA area looking around in slight awe...So many foreign pokemon he has never seen before!

And... so many people walking around... ick.

But he remembered he needed to blend into this environment as well so... mustn't be stressed, mustn't be distressed.

'' he keeps repeating in his head which seems fine to him, but on his face in reality he will appear creepy to those who approach him!

His Zoroark is by his side and is transformed into him. His disguise is so perfect they could be twins! (Or 'doubles' as this island warped so many minds to rightfully assume such things immediately) If you manage to get the Zoroark lost in conversation his ears will pop out and you'll have an easier time telling the two apart.(He rarely notices when this happens. Conversation requires concentration that could be used on his disguise!)

Will you approach this man and his pokemon twin?

OOC: When Zoroark is in his pokemon form he speaks in bold, when he's borrowing N's appearance he does not. It's up to you to tell them apart but it should be easy to do.

ALSO!! Be sure to always post after the second N unless notified :') The top will be '1/1' if its okay to post right after that post.

Also also if you'd like to participate in his universe of characters click here for more info!]

user: [dropped characters - unova], character introduction

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