It's all so easy when you're evil!

Aug 04, 2010 21:55

[It's quite likely that nobody would think too much of the apparently sudden disappearances of Team Galactic members these past few days; hell, there's probably some who would welcome that. After all, no evil organization members usually means no trouble, right?

Unfortunately, sudden disappearances can also be interpreted as the calm before a storm. For Mesprit, Azelf and Uxie, such a storm has arrived far too soon in the form of Team Galactic's Commanders.

Whenever the Commanders have succeeded in their capture of the Lake Guardians, they will find a small leaf of paper floating down towards them, looking slightly charred around the edges. Much like Cyrus's previous messages, there is a basic map with general directions leading to a small, seemingly ramshackle house in the hills south of the CMA. Unlike Cyrus's messages, however, the words on this note are handwritten, in a small but legible print.]

Be prompt in your deliveries and do try your best to not lose your way or the subjects. Our dearest leader does not have infinite patience, and I do not have infinite time.

[[OOC: Another primarily Galactic-restricted post, this time for the capture of the Lake Guardians! Commanders have already been tasked with capturing their respective pixies, and though the pixies can battle it out if they so wish, they will ultimately get captured. It's all good business. And of course, backtagging is allowed. Kinda has to be for this one, given the timing. orz

Once the pixies get captured, you may proceed to pass Go, collect 200 Pokédollars, and then deliver the Guardians (and the money) to Charon so that Project Red Chain can get underway. Shut up, he can pull all-nighters with these kinds of things.]]

event: galactics attempt, bow to team galactic, epic in the making, user: galactic_geezer

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