
May 26, 2010 04:25

[Chances are that sometime over the last three days, you woke up with a notice next to you; whether it was placed there by the island itself or any given human or Pokemon currently living on it is difficult to say, but it certainly wasn't there when you fell asleep. The words on it are neatly-set, if a bit blocky, and certainly not handwritten - though it doesn't look mass-printed from anything high-tech, either. If anything, it looks like it may have been created from a printing press of some sort.

The message it bears is as follows: ]

To whom it concerns,

This world, as it stands, is a harsh one; none of us are unfamiliar with the sting of pain, suffering and despair.

And while some have accepted it as their lot in life, others are driven by the knowledge that there must be something better. They have seized their destiny. And now, I ask you to find the strength to do the same.

Maybe it isn't for yourself that you fight; maybe it is on behalf of another who is unable to do so. Friends, loved ones, close relations...if not yourself, surely there is someone that you know that would be able to benefit from changes made to this world - from a lack of hatred, spite and persecution.

Whatever your case may be, I can assure you that my desires are not unlike yours. I believe that this world of ours can be restored to the glory it should hold, free of strife and pain.

I can also assure you of this much - I have answers.

I request that you take the time to meet with me individually, that I might be able to share these answers with you; this discussion will be entirely confidential - what is said will not leave the room - though if you trust others to come with you, you are welcome to bring them if you like. Our meeting will not take more than an hour, and you are under no obligation to stay, if at any time you desire to leave.

The control you seek over your own life is at hand; I can help you attain it.

[...and there's no signature. Not even a name attached.

However, there is a hand-drawn diagram below the text itself - a map of sorts, able to be easily understood and leading to one of the dwellings within the forested area of the island - as well as a series of numbers written below that. A date and time for your meeting to take place, written in a heavy, sprawling hand.

For those who have received this message, should you choose to attend, you are more than welcome to enter the place in question; it's not locked, and the door will in fact swing open if you knock, as though it wasn't even fully closed to begin with. There's really only one way to go, into the large room at the forefront; it's your hour, and Cyrus will be waiting for you.

For those who are already members of Team Galactic or are familiar with its procedures and goals, this is exactly what it looks like.


[OOC: Okay, so. Anyone is more than welcome to respond to that message of theirs - it was delivered through a combination of sheer determination and some sort of island trickery, so in all probability your character did receive one. It doesn't matter whether or not you've ever interacted with Cyrus before; he would actually quite like to see some people that he hasn't spoken to. For those that are both familiar with him and oppose him, he's not backing down easily.


bow to team galactic, talk to me, sup guys, for great justice, deal with the devil, you need to get laid, user: distorted_deity, my plans let me reveal them

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