Come on! Look cool as if you own the world!

Apr 11, 2010 23:02

[Today, tonight or whenever - There happens to be a girl standing around outside a couple of huts in the CMA. Nearby her, there sits a very large trunk with a smaller pink-colored case on top of it, something that looks like a white mini-tent set-up just off to the side, and a full length mirror placed in between the two. If you're a curious sort wondering about what's up with all that, or you just happen to wander by, you'll notice that the girl is wearing the clothes of a Team Rocket grunt.

Wait, what? There are more Team Rocket members on this island? Say it isn't so!

... Well it's not so. But if you'd like to dress up/cosplay as one, you might want to talk to the girl. Or noooot. Because whether you wish it or no, anyone coming into the area will be forced into a costume of your choosing. Either by the girl herself or because Island hates you enjoys your embarrassment and your tears did it.~

So on that note, WHO WANTS TO COSPLAY?? It's free and there's a big chance you'll get to keep it in the end. :3]

[ooc: Don't ask how Leaf got her hands on a trunk full of dress up items or a fashion case. Maybe island gave it to her for her birthday last month or something, idk. Either way, costumes can be anything and everything you can think of! It's not just Team Rocket outfits she'll supply. Heehee.

p.s. if you don't want your character to end up in a costume just say so. It probably won't stop Leaf from trying to get your character into one but you never know.

ETA:  BACK! aaaahh okay. Sorry guys I'm going to have to abandon this post for reasons that would take too long to explain. I don't feel comfortable explaining them either but that's neither here or there. UH, I can only offer my apologies and hope that in re-compensation you'll just go ahead and choose'n'take the costume of your choice. You can go ahead and hand-wave Leaf giving it/forcing it on to you, whatever way you wish so you don't have to wait for me to reply/backtag. ;; And if you have any questions go ahead and ask them in Leaf's HMD post in this journal. -Anyway, Thanks for playing and I'm really sorry for dropping things like this.

with regret,

holy shit a giveaway, user: turnoveranew, this is fabulous

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