The Thanksgiving Feast of Awesome Island

Nov 26, 2009 13:54

*Shaymin has been working her little paws off at the Central Meeting Area today. Getting by with a little help from her friends, she was able to bring a big table long enough to have room for all of the residents of the Island, complete with a tablecloth patterned with autumn leaves and feathers, and tons of dishes, silverware and napkins tied up in orange and red bows. There's a bouquet of a rainbow of flowers in a vase and there is a cornucopia stuffed with fruit and Glacidea flowers*

*There's food galore: mashed potatoes, gravy, a basket of butterballs in the shape of Pokeballs, matching salt-and-pepper Plusle & Minun shakers, cranberry sauce, a fresh-baked loaf of bread, a bowl of berries/Poffins/Pokeblocks and bananas and oranges and Perfect Apples, peach cobbler, etc. with pumpkin pie, ice cream, brownies, cake, etc. topped with your choice of whipped cream or chocolate chips or cherries for dessert! There's ice water, cold milk, Perfect Apple juice, iced tea, root beer, etc. for the non-alcoholic choices, and beer, vodka, champagne and delicious wine for those who want to make merry. Finally, there is that big roasted turkey in the middle that's got your mouths watering. Mmmm!*

I want to thank everyone for joining me in this wonderful Thanksgiving dinner~! ♥ Before we eat, I have one last present for everyone~! I want you to close your eyes for ten seconds and think about everything that you are grateful for! Ready? No peeking now! Go~!

*ten seconds pass* *if you were a good person and closed your eyes, you will open them to discover that the entire Central Meeting Area is now blossoming head-to-toe in Glacidea flowers* *feel free to ooh and ahh at the depths of your gratitude!*

Okay everybody~ Let's eat~! ♥♥♥

the happiest day, it is delicious cake, can has hug?, this is adorable, user: [dropped characters - sinnoh]

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