House wife in training, reporting for lunch duty!

Jul 19, 2011 13:47

[Hope you weren't going for any cook books in the library today; they've all been conveniently checked out by a blue haired girl who apparently seems to be training herself in cooking. A lot of the cook books are propped up on the other books, open to certain pages.

Occasionally, she'll come out with a finished dish and place it on one of the three ( Read more... )

it is delicious food, au: surrogateverse, user: tearingmemories

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aquaboss July 19 2011, 18:16:55 UTC
[Well isn't this something? Apparently the island just loves letting people cook. Hopefully this isn't Red-quality-cooking. That was terrifying.]

[Anyway, Archie starts looking around for whoever has been cooking all day, apparently.]


tearingmemories July 19 2011, 18:22:44 UTC
[Considering Kagura's housewife in training status, she certainly has an idea of how to cook at least!

The door's open, and Kagura's trying to do a Potato Salad now. She's just letting the Potatos boil for about ten minutes, and she doesn't notice you yet Archie.]


aquaboss July 19 2011, 18:25:29 UTC
[He glances over toward the house - oh, hey, there's a kid in there. Archie approaches and leans on the door frame, watching her work for a moment before speaking up.]

You don't seem to be all that bad at this. [She's doing everything right from what he can see.]


tearingmemories July 19 2011, 18:35:28 UTC
[And work she does, even when Archie speaks. Kagura chuckles a bit, a hand going over her mouth.]

I'd be insulting my mother's skills if I were to do any less than perfection, sir. [Those Potatos are just going to boil while Kagura sets a timer; ten minutes. She'll fully turn to Archie at this point.]


aquaboss July 19 2011, 18:42:17 UTC
[Archie laughs at that.] True enough. An' don't call me sir. [You're not working for him!] The name's Archie. Nice to meet'cha.


tearingmemories July 19 2011, 22:15:23 UTC
My apologizes, then. Kagura is my name. It's a pleasure. [She'll chuckle a bit more.

She'll go back to looking through one of the many cookbooks here, looking for something else...hmm.]


aquaboss July 19 2011, 22:19:18 UTC
[Archie doesn't move from his place in the doorway, but he does glance over at what Kagura's making now.] So what's with all the dishes? You tryin' to lure all the wild Pokemon on the island over here? [That's actually pretty clever. You'd get to see all those unique Unova and Sinnoh Pokemon!]


tearingmemories July 20 2011, 01:56:41 UTC
Mostly testing out my cooking skills. It'd certainly be a treat to--


Kagura pauses for a moment, looking out the window. It looks like a group of Pawniard have taken to the bait of food with their leader. A Bisharp.]

Speak of the devil... [Give her a moment; those potatos are long sense forgotten in the favor of trying to grab a good Poke Ball...]

I damn the fact I don't have any good distraction moves...are they still out there? [She's too immersed in searching.]


aquaboss July 20 2011, 02:10:53 UTC
[Archie turns when Kagura does, staring out the window at the tiny army of little... whatever those metal-things are.] What the hell're those?

[Archie moves to go watch the Pokemon, calling over his shoulder,] Yeah, they are. You know what they are? [...Are they Water-types?]


tearingmemories July 20 2011, 02:28:04 UTC
[Hmm...Poke Ball contemplating is serious business.] The little ones are Pawniard, and the bigger one is it's evolved form Bisharp. They're Steel and Dark types, respectively.

[Aha! Kagura grabs a Level Ball out of her bag, smirking just a bit. With that, meet Garchomp and Feraligatr, Archie!] Garchomp, can you use Outrage to get the Pawniard away from their leader? Feraligatr, you take him on once the smaller ones are distracted.

[With that, the two nod; and Garchomp is off! Outraging against the younger Pawniard, while Kagura and Feraligatr watch until Bisharp is by himself.] Wish me luck! [AND WITH THAT, THE FIGHT BEGINS.]


aquaboss July 20 2011, 03:47:16 UTC
[Archie is relatively impressed - but Kagura could be from Unova. Still, they're fascinating Pokemon and Archie watches as Kagura goes to battle with-- What the hell are those things.]

Whoa, what are they? [A giant gator and a... dragon? Awesome. You have some great choice in Pokemon.]

So they're Steel and Dark types...? [That's an interesting combination. Fighting would be murder against them, but... And then there's Fire, so he certainly couldn't use one against Maxie... But just look at them! They're such cute little murderbeasts~]

[Archie grins and pulls out a Pokeball. Sharpedo is released and the shark eagerly launches himself at the smaller ones, the Pawniard. Let Kagura take the larger one, he'll settle for one of the tiny little murderbeasts.] Sharpedo, Waterfall! [The shark launches the attack with enough distance so he doesn't harm the... whatever that other thing is that looks vaguely like a shark from the back. Huh. What type is that thing...?]


tearingmemories July 20 2011, 03:55:11 UTC
[What can she say? She enjoys her large, beastly Pokemon. Though she doesn't have too many of them, she has a few least from what she remembered. They were probably Geechisu's property now...

She'll explain everything later, because Feraligatr's busy Aqua Tailing this Defiant one. With one more landing, it seems like Bisharp can't hold on much longer...]

Fall back, Feraligatr! [Feraligatr backs off. Kagura looks to see Archie going for the Pawniard, smiling just a bit.] You as well, Garchomp! Good work!

[And with the two fallen back, Archie can do things without worry, and Kagura throws that Level Ball! Come on--!]


aquaboss July 20 2011, 04:02:54 UTC
[Archie watches the Feraligatr take down the Bisharp, definitely impressed. Aqua Tail... so it's a Water-type? Doubly impressed. Maybe he can see if she'll hatch an egg for him...]

Sharpedo! [The shark is skilled at picking off the strongest in the pack - that was how he obtained the pink duck from before. This time he launches a Waterfall attack at the lot of them, scattering several and leaving only one weakened. Archie grins and selects an Ultra Ball from the bag.] Once more!


tearingmemories July 20 2011, 04:26:14 UTC
[The Poke Ball clicks on Kagura! A new team member...Kagura is pleased beyond belief. Picking up the new Poke Ball, Kagura turns to watch the battle between Sharpedo and the cream of the crop. Kyaaa, this reminds her of when she had one--!]


aquaboss July 20 2011, 04:35:28 UTC
[The little Pawniard is putting up quite the fight. Archie is tossing and catching the Ultra Ball in his hand while Sharpedo finishes the last attack, and immediately backs off when given the command. Archie tosses the Ultra Ball at the Pokemon and waits.]

[As expected, the Ultra Ball clicks shut and Archie walks over to retrieve it. The other Pawniard are quickly making themselves scarce.]

Well that was easy enough. Congrats on catchin' the - what did'ja call it? Bisharp? [Sharpedo immediately zips over to Archie for headpats, which he isn't shy about giving. And there's the scratches again. Oh well, he can bandage those later.] Yeah, yeah, good job, you.


tearingmemories July 20 2011, 05:12:55 UTC
[Kagura claps just a bit, before nodding.] Indeed. Good show catching that Pawniard as well!

[Kagura chuckles a bit, giving her Pokemon plenty of pettings. She goes over to where Archie and Sharpedo are, holding out her hand with a smile. There are a few very old scratches on there.] You gave a good show as well, Sharpedo.


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