◇ 03 ◇ flare

May 21, 2011 23:24

[If Theo’s been scarce the past few months, he’s had a good reason: training. That’s what he’s doing today, deep in the middle of the forest, if anyone happens to be passing through.]

Faint Attack! Arial Ace! Th-Thunderbolt! Use it on- [he gasps, doubling over, but almost immediately stands back upright] -the trees, on the trees, do it!

[The ( Read more... )

gotta train em all, i am yelling!!, oh my god, user: horrorthreshold

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aquaboss May 22 2011, 07:14:49 UTC
[What are you even doing. No, seriously. That's not training. And this is coming from the king of fail training?]

The hell d'you think you're doin' huh? [His tone is mild despite the harsh words. He actually looks mildly worried; you're wearing yourself out, kid.]

You sure as hell don't look alright. You - an' your Pokemon - could use a break.


horrorthreshold May 22 2011, 07:20:12 UTC
[Theo turns around, surprised to have a visitor.]

H-Hello. Thank you for your concern, but- [goodness his legs are shaking badly] -we're really all right.


aquaboss May 22 2011, 07:32:55 UTC
[Yeah, you're not convincing anyone here.]

No you're not - you look like you're gonna collapse at any minute. An' your Pokemon are doin' no better. It's one thing to wear yourself out, but trainin' your Pokemon this hard's not gonna help any. Let 'em take a break.

[...You know, you look vaguely familiar... Hmm. He'll probably place you in a moment.]


horrorthreshold May 22 2011, 07:41:35 UTC
[Theo narrows his eyes, inspecting you more closely.]

I won't wear myself out. This is the only way we'll get stronger...

[He blinks after a moment, finally recognizing you.]

You're that Team Aqua Boss, aren't you? [Theo coughs into his hand, swaying on his feet, but then looks back up with a suspicious glance.] I've gotten a lot stronger. Strong enough to protect them now.

[Adrian. Carys. Geechisu. But not all at once.]


aquaboss May 22 2011, 07:47:46 UTC
[Archie would argue but-- Well, you've kind of switched topics on him.]

Yeah, the name's Archie. An' you're... [Hmm. Oh-- you're that kid that's friends with Adrian, right?] Adrian an' Carys's friend?

If you're strong enough to protect 'em, why the hell are you workin' your Pokemon to the bone? [C'mon, man. It's uncool. Let them have a break, even if you won't take one. Though you'll probably just overwork yourself and die anyway. Fat lotta good that will do 'them,' whoever they are.]


horrorthreshold May 22 2011, 07:53:40 UTC
I'm Theo. And we have to keep working - trouble's coming.

[He can't rest. His pokémon can't rest. There's no time. There's too many of them, and he's starting to realize he may have to fight them all.]


aquaboss May 22 2011, 07:56:18 UTC
[Oh? Hopefully you don't mean Maxie.]

What kinda trouble's so bad you gotta work yourself an' your Pokemon to the bone?


horrorthreshold May 22 2011, 08:00:15 UTC
[Theo laughs suddenly, the sound decidedly unhappy. The Team Bosses were all memory-wiped, weren't they? Archie would never understand.]

N-Nothing you need to worry about. Nothing at all, sir...


aquaboss May 22 2011, 18:06:57 UTC
I'm not worried about... whatever it is that you're trainin' so hard for. I'm worried about how hard you're runnin' your Pokemon. You don't look too good either.

[It feels like you're patronizing him somehow with that laugh. Archie is unamused.]


horrorthreshold May 23 2011, 00:51:55 UTC
I know how far I can push my pokémon. [Until they're dead. Until he's dead.] ...We have to keep training. If you'll excuse me.


aquaboss May 23 2011, 02:27:56 UTC
[Well, he's not going to listen, is he?]

I'm actually out here to train too. Why don't we battle? [He's lost to Adrian and Carys many times, but honestly, you don't look like much of a match. And your Pokemon are exhausted. He'll probably have to take it easy on you! Hahaha, like Archie would ever do that.]

[Oh, and he's not giving you the chance to argue, because out comes Cloyster, Gyarados, and Poliwrath. Archie doesn't waste any time ordering his Pokemon to attack either.]

Gyarados, Dragon Dance! Icicle Drop! Brick Break! [Gyarados charges power while the other two spring forward. Neither Pokemon was ordered to attack a specific Pokemon, but they both seek out the targets that are weak against the ordered attacks: Poliwrath goes after Magneton while Cloyster chucks ice at Altaria.]


horrorthreshold May 23 2011, 16:30:39 UTC
[Before Theo has time to do anything, Archie's pokémon are already attacking. He smiles, however, and there's a hard gleam in his eyes as he commands his own pokémon.]

Thunderbolt - the Gyarados! Sing, Dragonbreath!

[Theo's pokémon leap into action immediately - Altaria goes down immediately after being hit, but both Magneton and Delcatty manage to shoulder the hits and counter, going after different targets.]


aquaboss May 24 2011, 03:37:35 UTC
[Archie doesn't miss that look - clearly this kid likes to battle. He's not surprised - battling is pretty awesome - but there's probably more to it for this kid. Whatever. The only thing that matters to Archie is winning.]

[Steel-types are damn annoying. Especially Magnetons. Gyarados drops immediately after that Thunderbolt hits him and Archie recalls him. Damn, should have gone after that Magneton before using Dragon Dance. Altaria managed to land a hit on Cloyster before dropping, but it doesn't seem to have fazed him much. Sing knocks Poliwrath into dreamland and Archie resists the urge to groan. Sing. Is. The. Worst. Move. Ever.]

Dive, Cloyster! [Dammit, Poliwrath, wake up! Cloyster somehow or other manages to dive into the ground... while still being a Water-type move. Don't ask how this works. Archie then calls out another Pokemon.]

Tentacruel! Mirror Coat! [The Pokemon raises the barrier to rebound any incoming attacks to protect Poliwrath. Hopefully the damn thing will wake up soon. He's becoming almost as useless as ( ... )


welcome to triple battles, hoenn people horrorthreshold May 24 2011, 20:49:35 UTC
[Theo recalls Altaria and sends out Roselia in one fluid motion, eyes darting all around as everything happens at once. Cloyster can't be hit while it's underground, but the others...]

Thunderbolt again! Magical Leaf! Charm!

[He doesn't notice the Mirror Coat until it's too late - drat, now his pokémon will take double damage back. Delcatty is fine, and Roselia can withstand the hit, but Magneton goes down from the recoil.]


YESSSSSS aquaboss May 25 2011, 01:04:49 UTC
[Poliwrath is still asleep, but thanks to Tentacruel the Magical Leaf and Thunderbolt attacks are reflected. Cloyster resurfaces, right under Delcatty, a spray of water coming from underground.]

Cloyster, Protect! [Sorry, were you expecting to hit Poliwrath this time? It's not happening. That Protect is going to extend to cover Poliwrath, and Archie moves behind it before giving Tentacruel his orders.]

Surf! [Hope you don't mind getting wet, Theo!]


horrorthreshold May 25 2011, 05:38:48 UTC
Y-You're battling very defensively. [Drat, Protect - waste of attacks again. Theo recalls his Delcatty and sends out Gardevoir in her place. Two against three isn't great odds, but then, he ought to get used to being outnumbered.] Magical Leaf again! Future Sight!

[As for that Surf attack - Theo's just going to grab the nearest tree trunk and hope for the best. It doesn't take much to knock him over, but what does he care?]


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