ANON MEMEthe pokémon genfic meme
FILLED PROMPTS (WIP) 1-SENTENCE GENFIC FILLS ✘ This is the genfic/worksafe meme. Leave the sex at the kink meme and come here for your general worksafe fun!
✘ Pick any pairing, any kink and post anonymously. All combinations of characters and/or pokémon are allowed
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(Your call on how long it's been since the Gen I and II games, but cameos of anyone would be much loved.)
In Black/White, when you go through the whole "are you a boy or a girl" routine, it seems (to me at least) that Professor Juniper has always been very well aware of who you are. She introduces your two best friends to you, who you've supposedly known since childhood, after asking you your name, almost as if she's asking you to remember it. But the real gem comes when you save the game; every time you save, the PC's overworld sprite squats down and writes in a notebook. Forget to save? No problem, when you turn the game back on it'll be as if nothing ever happened. You won't remember a thing.
So, the prompt: the B/W protag has a short-term memory disorder, and has had to deal with it throughout the entire unova storyline.
So I'm writing for it. Just know that the game's storyline isn't addressed, since it's post-game, and that it ships Black and White. Also, I will be posting it for PokePrompts (screw anonymity, it's genfic not kinks.) Is that okay, anon?
Also, anyone else can totally fill this too. Yeah.
It’s common belief that a goldfish’s memory lasts for just three seconds.August 9, 2011 ( ... )
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