Round #21; for hbics - French/non-English-language songs

Dec 26, 2013 08:47

Fandom: Gen
Subject: French/non-English-language songs
Title: Love Languages
Notes: Sorry for this being a day belated, but merry, merry Christmas to you, hbics! This mix is for the Secret Santa exchange at waywardmixes, and gosh, was it fun to do. I may have gotten a little bit carried away, but I certainly hope my recipient doesn't mind. C:
Warnings: A couple of ( Read more... )

music, for hbics, fanmix, french, languages, fst

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Comments 5

goblinhipster December 27 2013, 05:19:44 UTC
Downloading! Looks good! I have been on the lookout for more French tunes. Jsyk, it seems that the Mediafire link does not work; it says "file blocked for violation."


la_vie_chanson December 27 2013, 09:26:32 UTC
Looks fabulous! Downloading!


ohcaptain December 28 2013, 06:31:24 UTC
This looks amazing, and I am downloading it right now.
I haven't heard any of the songs, except that Mika released "Elle Me Dit" in English as "Emily."
The music is essentially the same, but apparently the lyrics are really different?
I don't really know, I don't speak French, but I love "Emily" so I thought I would mention it in case you wanted to check it out?


the_pursuer December 29 2013, 04:13:26 UTC
Looks gorgeous. Definitely downloading.


hbics January 3 2014, 02:04:38 UTC
I just listened to this all the way through and I adore it!
There are definitely a couple of these artists I'm going to look into further
(which is exactly what I wanted with this prompt, so thanks ;D)
thank you so much ♥


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