Fic: Sail on Together (Boostle)

Mar 22, 2010 16:43

Title: Sail on Together
Fandom: DC Comics (Boostle)
Rating: G-R
Warnings: Spoilers for various Boostle-featuring comics up to Booster Gold v2 #10, semicolon abuse, and karaoke.
Notes: Fifty sentences, for 1sentence. Almost none of these are connected to the others; there are two pairs and one trio hidden in there, but I think it's pretty self-explanatory. Specific issues are cited at the end, sort of. Thanks to fleur_de_liz for the beta!

1. ring

It's a little silly, but when Booster kneels and slips the flight ring onto Ted's left hand they're both too misty to care; even though it's too big; even when Ted has to give it back so that Booster can fly.

2. hero

The Justice League might not have cared, but when Booster visits the Blue Beetle memorial statue in Chicago it's always knee-deep in flowers; Booster would smile if he could.

3. memory

By now even Booster's showing his age in the smile lines carved deeply around his mouth, in the dulling of his golden hair; still Ted sees the brash boy who walked into League headquarters and stopped his heart.

4. box

He knows Ted's had cracked ribs before, but when Booster hears about the boxing match Claire has to lock him in his office and confiscate his blasters to keep him from going after Guy, and even then he practically breaks the door down before Bea calls and tells him Ted's okay.

5. run

"Run away! Run away!" Booster shouts and grabs his hand, and they're fleeing down the hall, grinning like idiots because they're too out of breath to laugh, and this is it, this is his life, right here.

6. hurricane

Through his rain-streaked visor Booster can just barely see Ted glaring at him as they stack sandbags; "Just whose bright idea was it to move to Florida anyway?" Ted hisses, and Booster wisely chooses not to admit it was his.

7. wings

"See, it's like, I'm a guardian angel," Booster explains as the photoshoot's makeup artists strap golden wings to his back and oil up his bare chest, and Ted gives him the skeptical look such a statement deserves even as he hopes Booster will be allowed to take the wings home.

8. cold

After about fifteen minutes of ostentatious shivering on Booster's part, Ted sighs and motions Booster over; Booster huddles into the curve of his best friend's arm and thinks that December stakeouts aren't so bad after all.

9. red

They justify the rule about being fully dressed in the Embassy kitchen with words like "sanitary" and "horrifying grease splatter burns," but the truth is if Booster doesn't stop making omelets in nothing but those little red briefs Ted's going to sprain something important to him.

10. drink

Booster's not sure if champagne is as heart-healthy as red wine is supposed to be, but as the clock ticks over to midnight and the room erupts into cheers and "Auld Lang Syne" and Ted presses a giggly, hiccupy kiss to Booster's cheek, the champagne is sure doing good things for Booster's heart.

11. midnight

Ted's thoughts feel like the fizz in his champagne right now, but Booster turns such a happy pink when Ted kisses his cheek that Ted pauses, redirects his aim, and kisses Booster's mouth instead.

12. temptation

Ted's asleep on the couch and he's beautiful in repose, face serene and untroubled, and Booster knows he shouldn't, but he leans in, brushes a curl off of Ted's forehead, takes a breath...and puts Ted's hand in a bowl of warm water.

13. view

According to the old brochure Ted has saved somewhere, Kooey Kooey Kooey was beautiful; all Ted remembers is earthquakes, people yelling, and Booster's smile.

14. music

Karaoke Night turns distinctly awkward after Booster's ninth beer and a tone-deaf but very earnest rendition of "I Will Always Love You" (Dolly Parton-style); even Sue hastily grabbing the microphone and leading everyone else in a round of "Don't Stop Believin'" doesn't quite drown out the sound of enthusiastic making out under the table.

15. silk

Silk whispers over his eyes as Booster ties the blindfold in place, as cool as Booster's mouth murmuring filthy promises in his ear is hot, and Ted shivers in the darkness.

16. cover

Booster knows posing for Playgirl was a good idea when Ted turns pink upon seeing the cover; he can't wait for Ted to see the centerfold.

17. promise

He's going on only an hour or two of sleep these days and everything hurts, but he can't stop; every minute he's away from the lab is another minute Booster will have to stay in that armor, the armor Ted promised he'd get him out of, and though Ted has broken more promises in his life than he cares to think about, he's never broken one to Booster.

18. dream

Every night Ted holds him, kisses him, whispers words of lifelong devotion; every morning Booster wakes to Rip's impatient call, reaching out for the friend who was never a lover in the first place.

19. candle

Ted curses the blackout that keeps him out of the lab louder than anyone in the Embassy, but in the flickering light of the candles Booster's eyes are luminous, and when they duck into the hallway and leave the candles behind, his lips still find Booster's easily enough.

20. talent

Ted pulls off with a wet pop, wipes his mouth, and grins at Booster, who stares down at him, lips moving soundlessly a few times, before he finally pants out, "Shit, you really are a genius."

21. silence

When the League's gone Booster drags Ted into a secluded hall and pushes him up against a wall; when Ted protests, Booster says "The merchandise will be silent," half-amused, half-angry, and shows Ted what he's been missing.

22. journey

"You had to get them started, Sue, didn't you?" Guy grumps as Ted drunkenly caterwauls "Open Arms" to a sappily-smiling Booster and Max crosses "karaoke" off of his list of acceptable team-building exercises.

23. fire

Bea doesn't seem impressed by Ted's lengthy and (if he does say so himself) exceedingly witty complaints about Booster's various foibles, particularly his going-off-with-girls-and-leaving-Ted-alone foibles; "I wish you would just fuck him and get it over with," she finally snaps and walks out, leaving Ted to cough up the half a cup of coffee he's just inhaled.

24. strength

He doesn't look all that imposing, but Ted's got arms like steel cables, a stomach of iron, and legs that can drop Booster on his ass with embarrassing ease; every time they spar without the power suit Booster loses, and every time Booster can't help wondering what else those muscles can do.

25. mask

Booster doesn't have a secret identity and the visor doesn't hide anything, but peacocking and stupidity work even better than a pair of non-prescription glasses and a spitcurl, and Ted can't help but feel special that he gets to see what's behind the disguise.

26. ice

Tora listens sympathetically to Booster's scathing and totally justified complaints about Ted's various foibles, particularly his going-off-with-girls-and-leaving-Booster-alone foibles; "You really should tell him you're in love with him," she finally says, then pats his back while he chokes on the protein shake suddenly lodged in his windpipe.

27. fall

Ted sees the blow, sees Booster's force field flicker and die, and then Booster's unconscious, tumbling out of the sky, and Ted's heart is tumbling with him.

28. forgotten

"What are you, my aerobics instructor or something?" Ted asks, eyes glazed with totally fake amnesia; "Oh lover, don't you remember me?" Booster purrs, trying to make Ted admit he's faking, but Ted just looks intrigued, and now Booster's not at all sure what to do.

29. dance

He'd hated every minute of dance class at twelve, forced waltzes and foxtrots that were supposed to make him more social, but with his hand on the small of Booster's back, Booster's eyes wide with impressed surprise as Ted guides him around the floor, Ted wishes he could thank his mom for making him go.

30. body

Booster doesn't mind when Ted complains about his weight; it gives Booster an excuse to drag Ted off to the bedroom, throw him onto the bed, and show him just how much Booster likes what he sees.

31. sacred

Ted knows Booster doesn't believe in God, but as he shows the surgeons how to remove Booster's armor, as they frantically try to stop the bleeding, to steady Booster's heart, Ted bows his head, and prays.

32. farewells

"When you think of me, please remember to smile," Ted says, and Booster falls howling out of time.

33. world

Saving Chicago or Hub was one thing, but Ted finds the idea of saving the whole world a little daunting - that is, until Booster Gold joins the League, grinning like anything's possible, and hell, maybe Ted can save the whole universe.

34. formal

"You should've let me wear the Donald Duck tie," Ted grumbles as he walks into the living room, and Booster has to agree, because in his perfectly-tailored tuxedo Ted looks a little too good, and Booster's going to give himself away.

35. fever

It takes Ted collapsing in the middle of a slug-out with Punch and Jewelee for the others to convince him he's too sick to fight crime, and even then he protests loudly when Booster stays in as well, to take care of him; still, Booster's hand on his brow is cool, and whenever Ted manages to claw his way up to consciousness, Booster's face is comfort and tonic to him.

36. laugh

Bea finds an old tape, clips of the JLI's early years; Ted's so young, and when his laugh rings out, tinny and crackly on the old VHS, Booster can't breathe, the pain sharp and sudden all over again.

37. lies

"I'm not in love with Booster," Ted says with a good-natured eye roll, cheerfully oh-no-not-this-again, and he's gotten so good at this he almost convinces himself.

38. forever

They stand in the time stream and look into eternal past and eternal future; "That's how long I'll love you," Booster promises, holding tight to Ted's hand.

39. overwhelmed

The first time Booster kisses him, Ted can't speak for fully five minutes; luckily, he can think of better things to do with his mouth.

40. whisper

"This is gonna be good," Ted whispers, close enough that his lips brush Booster's ear, as Guy approaches the door with the bucket of fish heads balanced precariously on top of it; Booster gets ready to release the dozen stray cats behind his force field, and even the flush he knows is spreading across his cheeks can't dispel his grin.

41. wait

The day has long been saved by now, and Ted taps his foot, sighs loudly, checks an imaginary watch, but Booster's too busy signing autographs for his adoring - and voluptuously female - fans that he doesn't even notice when Ted throws up his hands and climbs back into the Bug to sulk.

42. talk

Ted babbles when he's working (well hello there Mr. Wrench, would you like to help me remove this bolt?), when he's nervous (so, uh, did you hear the one about the traveling salesman?), when he's angry (just who does Batman think he is, anyway, other people can have smart ideas, see if I try to help him again), and Booster'd be the first to admit that it can get annoying - but the babbling no one else gets to hear (please, please, Booster, right there, more, yes, I love you) never gets old.

43. search

Booster, having decided Ted's been working too hard in the lab, hides the bit of Reach technology Ted's been studying somewhere about his person and dares Ted to find it; by the time Ted locates it, warm from the heat of Booster's body, he has no interest in going back to the lab.

44. hope

Booster's been trying to find closure, trying to let Ted go, but every time he sees Superman, Green Lantern, his own face in the mirror - there's a million ways that Ted could come back to him, and he can't quite keep himself from waiting for Ted to find one.

45. eclipse

Max has sunk into a stupor, Guy's picking a fight with a couple of patrons out front, and L-Ron is crooning "turn around, briiiiight eeeeeeeeyes," for the forty-seventh time, but Ted, inasmuch as he can manage coherent thought with a stomach full of beer and a lap full of Booster, thinks that Karaoke Night is a definite success.

46. gravity

"Look, Newton already worked out the whole objects falling thing," Booster says with mock annoyance, snagging Ted out of a spectacular fall off a roof, "you don't need to back up his discoveries by splatting yourself and breaking my heart."

47. highway

Booster'd bought the convertible because he said it made his hair look pretty, and as they race down the freeway at 40 miles over the speed limit, occasionally weaving into the oncoming traffic lane, Booster's cheerfully off-key singing almost drowning out the honks and curses around them, Ted has to admit between shrieks of terror that Booster's hair does, indeed, look very pretty.

48. unknown

"Me and Ted had you?" Booster asks befuddledly, "How does that work?" and Rip just shrugs.

49. lock

It's hard to fumble the lock shut behind him with Booster nibbling on his ear like that, but Ted does it anyway, because no one on this team ever knocks and Guy's horrified shrieks really tend to kill the mood.

50. breathe

"Yeah, buddy, I'm really back," Ted says, half a smile on his lips, and as they fall into each other's arms Booster thinks it's all been worth it, to feel like this, like his lungs are working for the first time in years.

4. Justice League America #52, of course.
6. The boys moving to Florida is my own personal fanon, but it would work so well! I have so many ideas! Call me, DC!
9. Booster's red briefs are in evidence in the scene in Booster Gold v1 where, uh, Max breaks into his bedroom and invites him to join the League. Max is weird.
12. Please tell me you get this one.
21. Immediately after Formerly Known as the Justice League ends. I can't think "silence" and Boostle without my brain shrieking "THE MERCHANDISE WILL BE SILENT." How ironic!
22. "I Will Always Love You" has pretty much nothing to do with the boys (I can see Booster singing it and then stumbling over the verses going "Wait...wait, this is sad!"), but I can see "Open Arms" working for them (hence the title). Preferably the Mariah Carey version.
28. I haven't read I Can't Believe It's Not the Justice League in a while, so I'm not sure if this dialogue could actually fit in anywhere, but the idea of possibly-amnesiac Ted asking Booster if he's Ted's aerobics instructor makes me laugh heartily. Ho ho ho! Like that.
31. JLA...uh, something. Right after Booster goes off to fight the Overmaster the first time, and right before he dies. (He gets better.)
32. Booster Gold v2 #10, of course. This is a little bit of a cop-out, but, all know how I feel about Mr. Johns, but he seriously delivered the angsty gay on this one. I can't improve upon it.
45. Is "Total Eclipse of the Heart" ever not hilarious? Of course not!

comics: green lanterns, comics, comics: blue and gold, writing

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