We could be like onions and peppers in a sleeping bag fajita

Nov 15, 2007 01:32

Well, I have absolutely nothing to say, so here's a meme EVEN I WILL FOLLOW THROUGH ON! Because it doesn't involve fic, obv. I should just be glad I'm writing at all, and on two fic to boot.

But anywho, stoled from E'RYONE!

Respond to wanting to take this survey and I will make my best attempt at answering the following ( Read more... )

david wright: mets kiss-ass, music sharing, teh phullies, meme

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Comments 29

the_lampshade November 15 2007, 07:49:30 UTC

I still need to do it myself. I probably will when I have something to post besides just a meme. :)


poisonavery November 15 2007, 17:24:47 UTC
1. I actually don't remember how we met! I want to say I saw you on Kay's flist/entries and you seemed neato and you can never have enough nice people & baseball fans on your flist, so I friended you ( ... )


the_lampshade November 15 2007, 18:54:15 UTC
1. Actually, I think I just added you randomly because I saw you around on friends entries. :) It's cool though ( ... )


blinding_voip November 15 2007, 08:13:47 UTC

Chutley and ARow are golfing buddies? Hmm. Does that mean golf or... golf? xD omg what have you done to my brainnnnn.

LOL DAVID'S CONDOM HAT. That was kinda mean but I laughed anyway because... it's David. Just. lol.

I AM TOTALLY STEALING THAT OFFSEASON THING. YAY. I want to watch 06 Fishies so badly. And the last game of 07, on SNY. OMG. Ahahaha. Can you get games from 05? (Did MLB.TV even exist then?) Cause I'd totally watch Mikey-as-a-Met were it possible. eeee. ♥


poisonavery November 15 2007, 17:13:49 UTC
No, I think if they were the special kind of buddies, they'd talk about golf. Ahaha. "No, we mostly talk about golf" cough cough uh-huh ( ... )


blinding_voip November 15 2007, 20:10:41 UTC
Talkin' bout golf. Uh huh. SURE.


Oh but 07 is just as good! Last game of the season on SNY! AND E-MAIL TUESDAY. And the game where Chico threw the ball into the stands, ahahaha. xD.

2. Ahaha, aw the poor Bruins! Nobody cares about them. xD. And I think you mean Matty Heisman, yeah WAY TO SUCK the past 2 games. >:O
3. NO I don't judge you... at least that you know about. :P ahahaha jk. Yeah, I bet you know why. ;D
4. Bet we're like, the only ones who ever got almost-kicked-out of a game before we even got in. Yep, we're awesome like that.
5. NO I DID NOT. I didn't think I'd care about basketballs either. But you've assaulted (ahahaha) my brains. Way to BE. :P. oh & the first kiss quessin... I never really had a "perfect" one TBH... & the way it happened was pretty awesome. :)
6. CLOBY LUFF. Yes, I finally got YOU into something, instead of the other way around. *WINS FOR ONCE*!

*uses cloby icon*!


(The comment has been removed)

poisonavery November 15 2007, 18:03:48 UTC
1. Hee, I friended you because you seemed like the doppleganger of Kay. She likes Cubs, you like Cards. She's into art, you're into writing. But you were equally as adorable as her, and one can never have too many baseball friends. Plus I don't have any Cards fans on my list, or at least ones where I can get my Cards news from! And not to mention, you're one of the sane Card fans, that's always a plus ( ... )


jennyagain November 15 2007, 13:31:24 UTC
meme me! eee!


poisonavery November 15 2007, 19:35:24 UTC
aight aight aight.

1. Well we were commenting to each other in other peeps' LJs so I just friended you and yep.
2. Haha, Pedroia and Beckett.
3. You seem like a very positive, upbeat person. Always look on the bright side of life, an' all that.
4. You telling me you went to the 1991 World Series and me spazzing about happily over it. We need to talk more and make some memories! :D
5. What's your favorite band? I have more questions than just that, but that's a good place to start!
6. DorkyClay! *pets him*


jennyagain November 16 2007, 04:00:20 UTC
favorite band of ever is toad the wet sprocket. i was inconsolable when they broke up in '98. i've seen matchbox twenty play more concerts than anyone else, though, so they're a good number two.

::uses dorky!clay icon for you::


sheep_mambo November 15 2007, 16:09:08 UTC
Golf euphemisms are the best. I want to figure out what breaking a club over one's knee means.


No, that wouldn't be too mean. Tom deserves to see the love the city feels for him.


poisonavery November 15 2007, 19:15:36 UTC
Oh God, if golf = things then my Glavine pairings don't have any OTP competition. *is simultaneously amused and disgusted*

1. I believe we met in Rae's post about how Glavine!slash should be banned for life.
2. Well, I have a couple Mets fans on my list, so it's not just you I associate the Mets with. But John Maine and of course Humfrey. :3
3. I like how proficient you are as a write! It seriously amazes me, especially considering how good your stories are. You don't see that much, talent + proficiency.
4. Hm well, like you said in your meme, just talking about fic etc. Fictalk = happytimes.
5. Um well I've always wanted to know if as a Phillies fan if I offend you in any way, as a Mets fan? I don't know, sometimes I feel like I do, or could. Then again I'm a paranoid person. And on a more positive note, when/how did you get into baseball?
6. I love the one in your GJ of David trying to dance with Cliffie. Ahahahaha aw.


sheep_mambo November 15 2007, 22:08:21 UTC
OMGosh, Humfrey=boyfriends for life. Just watch them be separated this off season; I already have plot buns going. And thank you, again ♥. (OTP icon, OTP.)

No, you don't offend me in any way. I wouldn't be friends with you if you did. Duh. You're a smart baseball fan, 's what counts.
I think I answered this before. It was on the evening news and it looked appealing. My bro and I began watching on and off since 1996 and then John Olerud came to the Mets and there you go, the love affair with baseball truly began.

That is an awesome icon. Davey's all teehee.


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