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Comments 16

malugargula August 14 2013, 23:31:22 UTC
Great chapter
I'm really happy they talked about their feelings!
And I loved the new pics, Ollie's present is wonderful and her dresses too. I liked the three you post for the charity, especially the 1 and the 3.


poetgirl925 August 15 2013, 10:10:58 UTC
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the chapter and that you like the dresses. I love both 1 and 3 but I'm leaning towards 1 - it just looks like magic to me and I can so easily picture Chloe wearing it. Thanks for reading! More up soon :)


madlenita August 15 2013, 08:58:33 UTC
Ok, i alredy posted this on ff:
Thank you for new chapter, my internet/laptop/linux worked "funny" last couple of days: ff sites was blocked, jl sometimes too and i am so glad that today everything is ok!!!
And what a chapter! DATING!!!!! And ending so sweet, and talk about Lanie knowing about GA.... And i was wondering will Bruce show up on Chloe birthday and QI gala?
And of course question at the end, what story will you post next? I like to know for what story i am waiting ;-).

And thanks for this links for dress ;-).


poetgirl925 August 15 2013, 10:24:53 UTC
I know it's taken forever for me to get them together lol. Bruce will appear at both Chloe's birthday party and at the QI gala. As for what's next not sure if you mean chapter updates or new stories? Updates will be my Olicity story, If You Want Me, and then Letting Go (necessarily in that order - just depends on what I feel is ready to post first.)

Shadows is on a temporary hiatus while I work out a problem I'm having with plot, but I will get back to it. I'll be getting back to the Baby Queen series soon - I've been editing Of Hormones, Living Arrangements, and I Love You. As for new stories, the next one will probably be Into the Dark. There's a one shot set in the alternate universe that precedes the story, and it's ready to post. The sequel story is about 3/4 written and I want to start posting after I finish Letting Go. I may go ahead and post the one shot soon - I'm just a little nervous about reader reaction to the extreme angst it contains.

Hope that answers your questions! Thanks for supporting my stories :)


madlenita August 15 2013, 17:54:54 UTC
Wow, it really answer all my question ;-), thank you for this....


poetgirl925 August 17 2013, 15:52:04 UTC
No problem!


chlollifan84 August 15 2013, 10:39:20 UTC
Great chapter! It was peaceful, i feel like everything is in its right place. Chloe and Ollie are adorable.
I love the dresses you chose, the dress 3 is my fave because I love the shape and I always think Chloe is gorgeous in green; but anyway all three are beautiful.
I can't wait to read the birthday bash and the gala!


poetgirl925 August 17 2013, 15:55:07 UTC
I was going for a sense of peace in this chapter - they needed time to settle down and settle into the idea of them. I love dresses 1 and 3 - whichever one I don't use here, I may use in If You Want Me - there's an event in that story that would require Chloe to dress up. Thanks for your comments! I'm back to work this week, but I'll probably post Chapter 18 some time during the week :)


hellzz_on_earth August 15 2013, 18:26:28 UTC
Feel so bad for Chloe and the way things are with her dad. Hopefully Ollie's advice will work and they can get back to having a real father/daughter relationship.
I absolutely love the 1st QI Gala dress. I was back and forth on the color, but I do love the design.
I think Chloe's birthday dress is badA. She's definitely going to look fierce!!!
Thank you for the update.
Happy writing.


poetgirl925 August 17 2013, 16:00:06 UTC
I hate how the show never addressed the situation with Chloe's dad, so it's something I like exploring. And I'm actually leaning towards dress 1 as well - that design has a Wow factor, and the color would be gorgeous on Chloe. Whichever one I don't use, I'll probably use in something I have planned for If You Want Me. And glad you like the bday dress! AM and I have a similar coloring, height, and build, so that's usually what I go by when picking dresses. Thanks for your comments! I'll try to get Ch. 18 up during the week :)


liferscove2118 August 16 2013, 01:20:49 UTC
I love updates on this.


poetgirl925 August 17 2013, 15:51:13 UTC
Thanks! I love this story - it's still my favorite one I think. I'll get more up next week. Thanks for reading :)


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