I Am The Remedy To Being My Enemy

Apr 05, 2013 22:27

My moment is upon me, change or question how many tomorrows I'll get to see.
The way I have lived has always been killing me.
Thrilling me yes, but killing me none the less.
I used to think the end justified my means, but so much I have seen.
So much have I been the monkey wrench between and
a barbed wire fence separating myself from pastures still green
So when faced with this new day, I have always skulked away.
But there is no longer time, no longer is there reason or rhyme.
Lost might be away to describe my costs paid in full.
I need to make a liquid of a solid so I can flow past the problems facing me in myriad.
But I am my own worst enemy, Essentially I prevent the remedy that is key to
my serenity.
Why won't I open the door, why won't I walk across that unknown floor.
When will I stop thinking poor me, and instead think there's more of me to see.
More to be.
Here's looking for my serendipity.
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