Rules for podfics
Chosen stories must be at least 10 000 words long. The First Tier is stories of 10 000 to 20 000 words, the Second Tier is stories of 20 000 words onward.
Podfics cannot be posted anywhere before they are posted on this community. This includes amplificathon.
The mods cannot guarantee that you will receive a cover in a medium you prefer. Podficcers are welcome to discuss different mediums with their artist. Because this is a new community, the mods cannot promise that you will receive art at all, but we will try our best to ensure that you do.
Podfics can be uploaded anywhere.
There will be a sign-up post for beta listeners, and you are encouraged to comment on one of the sign-ups to gain a cheerleader/beta listener.
Podficcer Timeline
Sign-ups open December 15th and stay open until January 15th. Podficcers are required to give the mods the name, summary, and warnings for their chosen story (as well as a link to the text) once they have received the author's permission to record, a post will go up to do so on January 1st. If we have not been provided with that information by February 1st, we cannot guarantee accompanying art. On February 5th the artists will start choosing their stories. On April 1st we will require that you tell us whether you will be finished your podfic by April 15th (extensions can be granted). Tier 1 will start posting April 15th, with Tier 2 following.
Sign-up format
LJ name:
Fandoms that you might record in (include whether you are likely to record original fiction):
Are you likely to be in Tier 1 or Tier 2? (This is not binding):
Do you have a preference between cover art and special effects? (it may not be possible for you to have your preference, but we will try):
Anything else?: Sign-ups are open