Jan 09, 2011 20:19
In order for Podfic Bingo to be a success, we need a variety of prompts to put in the squares.
I've come up with two different categories of prompts (although, if you can think of another, feel free to suggest it): Reading prompts and Extras Production prompts. ETA: I've added a Fic Choice category.
Reading prompts affect how the podficcer reads their story. It can be emphasizing an emotion or adding a style to the reading.
Extas Production prompts are prompts that affect the editing stage or how you produce the podfic but don't directly affect how you read the story..
Examples of Reading prompts
-Read Angrily
-Read Sadly
-Read with a Smile
-Try an Accent
-Character Voices
-Read Animatedly
-Read Deadpan
-More Articulation (for you)
-Read Quickly (for you)
-Read Slowly (for you)
-Read Sexy
-Record with your Body
-Record Standing Up
-Read While Laughing
-Read Quietly
-Read Loudly
-Record While Lying Down
-Read Drunkenly
-Read with Silence
-Read Sleepily
-Read without Cues
Examples of Production prompts
-No Editing
-Incorporate Music
-Incorporate Sound Effects
-Incorporate Verbal Effects
-Incorporate Physical Sound
-Record in a New Location
-Higher Pitch Effect
-Lower Pitch Effect
-Echo Effect
-Use a Speed Effect
-Splice Fics Together
Fic Choice
-2+ Hours Long
-<10 Minutes Long
-Unfamiliar Fandom
-Unfamiliar Genre
-Random Fic
-Read a Fic Cold
-Different Medium
-A Friends Fic
-Rare Pairing
-Mixed Media
-1st POV
-2nd POV
-Out of Order
-Minor Character
-Character of Colour
-Trans Character
-Female Character
-Child Character
-Repod a Podfic
-Non-English Language
-Fairy Tale