four points of SPN spec-meta

Nov 24, 2013 14:34

I'm actually really bad at spec, but whatever. The last point is spoiler-cut for info from the promo for this week's episode; the rest are me reveling in my lack of information.

I really, really hope I'm seeing what I think I'm seeing. )

spn: sammay!, supernatural, spn: season 9, spn: corpus angelorum, spn: dean what even

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Comments 2

jo1027 November 27 2013, 18:02:18 UTC
The most important thing for me is that Dean's actions aren't glossed over. Dean needs to face the consequences for his actions for once. In the past, it's Sam who has always paid the price for Dean's actions, ie: selling his soul.

I also want to Sam to be angry and hurt at what Dean has done to him without his consent. If the writers don't do this right, it will be the end of the line for me because I'm tired to Dean always skating by and never suffering the consequences for his crap decisions.


pocochina November 27 2013, 18:27:19 UTC
Yeah, I get that. For myself I'm ambivalent. I'm trying not to get hung up on the idea of consequences just because...sometimes there aren't consequences. You know? Sometimes shit happens and people get away with it, and people who get away with the amount of shit that Dean has are generally pretty good at it. And I legitimately don't know what would be just desserts in this case? I have no desire to see more possession happen to anyone, and I don't think I'd like to watch Sam start to behave like Dean, even toward Dean. (tbh I don't even think Sam has the chops for Dean's mind games. Not like "he's too good a person," even, because good people can behave badly, but it takes some pretty specific instincts to be so unpredictably and casually cruel. Sam's instincts are pretty much to assume he is the problem and run away ( ... )


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