a couple lists, because I'm strangely fried

Sep 02, 2013 21:40

So I've had a suspiciously enjoyable week with Tumblr, which led to a shocking uptick in notes and....seven?! new follows in 48 hours. Which is cool but how did these people find me, people are reading my yapping and sending other people to read my yapping and WHO DID THE THING A MILLION YEARS DUNGEON!!

In seriousness, so far it's been pretty cool; ( Read more... )

me me me

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Comments 46

lynnenne September 3 2013, 03:17:32 UTC
Lara is the BEST EVER. There were days when I hated her choices but I love her, always.


lynnenne September 3 2013, 03:19:14 UTC
Also I love you for loving Klaus. He is so awful but SO ENTERTAINING.


pocochina September 3 2013, 03:32:57 UTC
MY RABID LITTLE PUPPYDOG, I love him a ton. One of my very few goals for the summer was to get up a couple of posts about the Originals before the show starts, because I think there's such awesomely ugly character logic to both Elijah and Klaus and I really want to have some baseline for watching how they develop from here on out. Maybe I'll get back to it.


lynnenne September 3 2013, 03:41:05 UTC
I think I would pay you to write this.


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pocochina September 3 2013, 03:44:56 UTC
The right-versus-defensible distinction is very high up on my (admittedly long) list of grievances about how fandom interprets characters. I also think it's the root of the problem I was on about yesterday, where people seem to think that if you can find fault with a character (the example was Sansa but it's everywhere!) then obviously they are ENTIRELY WRONG. It's....the wording I want to use for this is eluding me. But it's the whole othering-of-evil thing? Where something bad MUST be inhuman and incomprehensible, therefore that which is good must be "flawless" and that which is flawed is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE. Which, no.

now I feel compelled to post about possible trends I saw in my list, LOL. Maybe later. :D

dooo it!


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pocochina September 3 2013, 04:08:47 UTC
re: Skylar: WHY JUST WHY.

ETA: and what I find endlessly astonishing is that the flaws fandom will fight tooth-and-nail to handwave away aren't even all that heinous, they're so mundane and ordinary. I will never ever understand this.

Yeah. It's like, people can accept bad flaws as long as they're IMPRESSIVELY bad in some way or another. But HOW DARE YOU imply that X Character is just lacking in both sanctification and swag.


obsessive_a101 September 3 2013, 04:40:24 UTC
So this is sad, but my great-aunt is making much greater progress than me in the entire, "let's marathon this tv show that I want to watch" thing. >>"

So far, she's done Prison Break, Battlestar Galactica, Hercules, first two seasons of Xena, all of Supernatural that's available on Netflix (meaning she has passed both me and my little sister), and recently - both seasons of Alphas (which is on my to-watch list because it sounds right up my alley), and Lost, which means I've actually seen a bit of Lost, and I ACTUALLY REALLY LIKE SAYID AS WELL! :D

XD Somehow, I'm not surprised.


pocochina September 3 2013, 04:57:12 UTC
Sayid is such a BAMF. I came very close to explaining that my reason for loving him is that he's a razor. And he almost is. ALMOST. Except he's gotten hard enough quickly enough to preserve his emotional core, and that push-and-pull happens in some very interesting ways.


obsessive_a101 September 3 2013, 21:09:16 UTC
The last scene I actually saw him in was the scene where he offers Jack the choice to wait behind a bit and give him fifteen minutes with Sawyer to get the asthma medication out of him. The first scene I saw was of him trying to his best to hold people together and give them practical advice about survival even if they had all just survived a horrific disaster, even when people accused him of being a terrorist (which *headdesks repeatedly*).

I was just basically and completely sold, even if I didn't see the episode (as they are apparently doing with each of the main characters? Flashing back to their lives before and tying it into their lives on the island?) where we learn more about him.

The worst thing though, I HAVE BEEN RESISTING LOST SO MUCH, and I really, really don't want to get sucked in by the tide. ><"

Plus, I have so many shows on my list to work on watching. (Like the rest of BtVS and TWW, which will EAT UP MY LIFE.) But mostly... *hugs my library books and whisper apologies to them*


daybreak777 September 3 2013, 04:50:47 UTC
I love all of your women too! Didn't even need explanations; they're awesome. But switching from Cersei to Sansa is serious business! But isn't Sansa sort of like a young Cersei? I think Cersei had many a rude awakenings when she was fourteen. If Sansa manages to ever conceive a Lannister heir she'll be queen for sure. Yeah, she's not thinking it now. But I wouldn't put it past the author.

I don't like your men! Interesting. Except Sayid. He can place his shoes under my bed anytime. Even after washing the blood off his hands. Yup. :-D

ETA: Okay, I love Lee Adama and Bunny, but it wasn't like the list of women where I went, OHMYGOD LIST OF AWESOME.

Hee! Now I want Queen Sansa fic. Arya could be her resident assassin. Some day there is going to be a reckoning is all I'm sayin'.


pocochina September 3 2013, 04:59:28 UTC
But switching from Cersei to Sansa is serious business! But isn't Sansa sort of like a young Cersei? I think Cersei had many a rude awakenings when she was fourteen.

lol! Well, I have like...five or six favorite Game of Thrones characters, and Cersei and Sansa are usually at the top of the list. It's not quite flipping a coin, but I go back and forth between them very easily. And YES, the parallels between the two characters are fantastic to me.

MY BOYS ARE MY BBYS TOO THOUGH. I think you'd like Tyler, if TVD ever struck your fancy.


astreamofstars September 3 2013, 08:17:33 UTC
Laura, always and always, forever and ever.

I really need to watch more tv. Some of your favourites sound like they could be my favourites too. Though, see above for permanent number one spot, til eternity.


pocochina September 3 2013, 15:04:34 UTC
Favorite always!

Some of your favourites sound like they could be my favourites too.

Which ones? How can I sell you? *lures*


astreamofstars September 4 2013, 09:40:49 UTC
Well, The West Wing has been on my 'to watch' list forever, and I know enough about CJ to know I'll love her. Breaking Bad and The Sopranos are on the list toooooooo.

I'm terrible, though. I'm so bad at watching TV. I'm really fannishly monogamous, so I tend to put off watching anything that I potentially might get fannish over simply because I know I won't until my previous fannishness has faded, because I want to be in the right mindset to watch them. I don't even know if that makes sense. Unless I have some massive incentive to watch, I put things off for months if not years. Mary McD was my incentive to watch MC, which I did right away, and I was heavily involved in the ASOIAF fandom when GoT was first being produced (and was one of the people who suggested Charles Dance for Tywin, so hah), so I watched the first season of that right away, but all these apparently awesome shows on my watch list will no doubt stay there for a good while yet because my heart still belongs to Laura.

I wish my brain were different!


pocochina September 4 2013, 17:47:29 UTC
OKAY what I think is this: Breaking Bad and The Sopranos, for different reasons, aren't the kind of shows that a lot of people seem to get fannish over, in terms of alternative character interpretations and fic and AU curiosity and so on, because they're ultimately deconstructive series and so the actual canon is a part of the fannish conversation already, if that makes sense. So..you might want to hold off on The West Wing but I think BB and The Sopranos would probably spark a manageable level of investment.

Choosing between the two, I think The Sopranos (at least the first half of it) is far and away the better show. I think you'd particularly enjoy the large-ensemble nature of it (BB is very claustrophobic) and the character of Dr. Melfi.

(and was one of the people who suggested Charles Dance for Tywin, so hah)

ahaha, well done, because he is AMAZING.


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