THE ORIGINALS episode review

Apr 30, 2013 18:40

Okay, I am really excited for this show (which has been picked up, WHAT WHAT). Just for this review, I kind of want to limit discussion a little, because I feel like the conversation about this episode has been exhausting on every level. If you're tempted to say or weasel-word your way into "this is dumb," "the writers suck," or "I hate Klaus," ( Read more... )

to/tvd: who's afraid of the big bad wolf, the originals, to/tvd: elijah has my heart, tvd

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Comments 13

lynnenne May 1 2013, 00:43:26 UTC
I also loved the pilot and can't wait for more. I'm excited that this show is going to be about power and politics. I admit, werepuppies make me nervous, but mainly because children (in many dramas, not just supernatural ones) often end up as perpetual victims. They're always being kidnapped, threatened or in danger, and it runs the risk of getting repetitive after a while. Not to mention ooky.

However, I was one of those who loved Connor's arc on Angel, and Dawn's on BtVS, so I'm willing to see where this goes.

Elijah is flawless. Daniel Gillies can do no wrong, and his scenes with JoMo are a thing of beauty.


pocochina May 1 2013, 01:00:23 UTC
They're always being kidnapped, threatened or in danger, and it runs the risk of getting repetitive after a while. Not to mention ooky.

That's a fair point. There's always this subconscious...gravitational pull toward victimizing types of characters who are presumed to be vulnerable and easily sympathetic, and children always seem to be high on that list. But YES, Dawn and Connor were great, which is encouraging.

Elijah *gets* to me emotionally. I mean, I don't go in for the *he's so moral* business in the least, but it kills me how much he wants to be good.

I completely agree about the actors, too. They're so talented and play off each other so well.


lynnenne May 1 2013, 01:13:23 UTC
They are both SO GOOD. I would follow them anywhere.


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pocochina May 1 2013, 01:49:59 UTC
I am baffled by the assumption in many parts of fandom that a baby plot = AUTOMATIC fail.

Yeah, exactly. It's one thing to have reservations, because there are so many potential pitfalls, but quite another to piss and moan about how it CAN'T POSSIBLY be good. And I completely agree about the Connor arc as the trump counter-example. The back half of S3 is a little more touch-and-go for me, though admittedly I'm so deeply in Wesley's perspective that it could be down to the show doing too good a job in bringing the pain, lol, but S4 is one of ME's best and that had SO much to do with Connor being great.

is this an AtS reference, too

LOL it is. I want Tyler to be Holtz. I just think it is a cool thing to have an antagonist who is arguably right to want vengeance - and past that, someone should get why a child doesn't deserve to be exposed to that nest of vipers.


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percysowner May 1 2013, 12:22:13 UTC
I loved Angel and adored season four. I agree that Connor is the way to do a baby storyline right. I even liked Vincent Kartheiser. I thought he did a great job as the troubled Connor.


upupa_epops May 1 2013, 09:22:11 UTC
Ugh, you're making me want to rewatch this episode. I guess it's easy for me to dismiss, because Klaus and Elijah are probably the only characters on TVD I consistently fail to care about (no idea why, I guess it's some irrational reaction?). But I cared about the new characters. Paradoxically, my favorite character in the episode was probably New Orleans. I loved how it was completely different from the city we saw in 4x08, and I loved how this shows that "The Originals" will have completely different aesthetics. I'm a sucker for playing with aesthetic conventions.

With the pregnancy plot, I guess I'll have to wait and see how I like it. I'd be very interested in this baby playing a part in wolf mythology and doppelganger mythology, in Hayley's search for family history. I'm not sure what Klaus would have to do to make me interested in him (bias, I have it), but werebabies? I'm willing to give them a chance.


pocochina May 2 2013, 04:45:15 UTC
Yeah, I get it, characters work for us or they don't. But agreed, the new characters are great, and ofc we'll be getting Rebekah eventually.

WEREBABIES. How badly do I want a werewolf doppelganger?! SO BADLY.


rosaxx50 May 1 2013, 10:04:02 UTC
and then for Tyler to swoop in like you-(probably)-know-who to make off with the little bundles of murdery joy.

Lol. If only.

the fact that I've finally started The Borgias


Every time I read one of your posts, I end up liking Klaus more than I did on the show. It is strange.


pocochina May 2 2013, 04:47:53 UTC
THE BORGIAS. I've seen up through 2x1 and keep meaning to put up a post so we can all yell about it, because EVERYONE on my f-list is into it.

Every time I read one of your posts, I end up liking Klaus more than I did on the show. It is strange.

lol, I'm a recruiter.


rosaxx50 May 2 2013, 04:53:57 UTC
I've seen up through 2x1 and keep meaning to put up a post so we can all yell about it, because EVERYONE on my f-list is into it.

I hope you get around to it. Borgias is certainly worthy of discussion, to say the least.


wheatear May 1 2013, 19:19:14 UTC
My theory: maybe the Petrova line died out with Elena, and so this is nature restoring the balance and creating another line of doppelgangers. And so now Klaus will end up both having and losing a child, like Kat and Isobel before him.

That would actually be kind of awesome, omg. Cruel irony, I love you.

I was so excited to see the Deveraux SISTERS which the show has never had.

Same! I wanted sisters.

Elijah is saying goodbye to the idea that the Petrovas were ever the problem with the Original family.

That's interesting. Would it be fair to say that it's more of a problem between Elijah and Klaus?


pocochina May 2 2013, 04:51:21 UTC
That's interesting. Would it be fair to say that it's more of a problem between Elijah and Klaus?

Probably. But it's effectively the same thing, IMO, because, Klaus and Elijah controlled the family dynamics after their turning - Kol and Rebekah were set in their younger sibling roles so they'd fall in line if Klaus and Elijah were getting along, but they all outnumbered Finn. So a problem between Klaus and Elijah is everyone's problem.


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