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Comments 9

snickfic June 7 2012, 21:27:08 UTC
I find that first paragraph below the quote really interesting. I've never rewatched S3 all the way through, but I do distinctly remember all those moments and had never pulled them together to relate to his S4 relationship with Dean quite the way you do. Nifty.

Fortunately he learns his lesson and this never happens again.


Unfortunately for almost everyone involved, she gets a vital, and totally unintentional, assist from the least likely source.



pocochina June 7 2012, 23:58:54 UTC
Poor baby, he tries so hard. He still destroys everything he looks at sideways, BUT HE TRIES SO HARD.

The evolution of that relationship in S4 is fascinating, and I think it's beautifully done. It makes a lot of intuitive sense to me, I guess, even if it's hard to pin down. I feel like Sam starts thinking about Dean the way Dean has thought about him all this time? That condescending/idealizing attitude. Except it's not "Sam needs to be protected because he's the baby," it's "Dean needs to be protected because he's weak from hell." Because he's still building Dean up, this whole season.


dun dun DUN!


bitterlimetwist June 7 2012, 23:39:49 UTC
I was fairly meh about S3 the first time around, but watching it after S4? It's just all right there, isn't it. It's so damn sad.


pocochina June 8 2012, 00:03:06 UTC
S3 as a whole narrative dropped the ball, I agree. But the good stuff is still really good, and by "the good stuff" I mostly mean Sam. and Bela 'cause she's my girl.


bitterlimetwist June 8 2012, 02:10:23 UTC
Heh, oops. I meant what Sam is doing to himself is so sad - trying to remake himself, trying to be *strong enough*.

S3 has some great episodes, and I pretty much just ignore the bad ones, so on the whole I like it quite a lot.

I know you didn't mean Sam/Bela, but that's totally where my mind went because Yes Please.


pocochina June 8 2012, 03:16:55 UTC
Yeah, I'm with you there.

I know you didn't mean Sam/Bela, but that's totally where my mind went because Yes Please.

RIGHT?! I sort of didn't mean that, but only because I thought I was the only one into it. I love how he does the whole "wah wah she shot me" song and dance for Dean and then in his head is all "SHE'S A ANGEL." (Sam has a ~thing about bonding with people who mess with him? It's so screwed up. It's fantastic.)


ever_neutral June 8 2012, 08:30:12 UTC
I enjoy your thoughts. Especially this:

but I think in particular it goes a long way toward explaining Sam’s willingness to look past the lies Ruby’s been feeding him all season... He’s heavily conditioned to ignore the cognitive dissonance his affiliation with Ruby will provoke, because it’s exactly what he went through with John and Dean. He really doesn’t know the difference between trust and enforced dependence.

S T U N N I N G. sljfl;dsjlsdjfs;djdsjf


pocochina June 8 2012, 12:50:17 UTC
glad you liked!

I always kind of preemptively wince at Kidchester episodes, because I worry they'll lean on "look at the CUTENESS!" rather than point out the way their whole lives are crazy-survivalist-culty grooming for abuse. But I think the show was consistently very honest about that, and it paid off in a big way with Sam/Ruby.


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