warblgrbl days of SPN, day 1(a)

Jun 06, 2012 23:46

(I don't even remember where I found this meme? Probably I c&p'd from someone on my f-list? whatever.) Mostly these posts are going to be a Sam-fest, she explained helpfully to anyone who might have wandered in by accident.

(1) Dean or Sam?
(5) Season you're most likely to rewatch?

I’m more likely to pop in a particular episode or arc than to sit and ( Read more... )

spn: sammay!, supernatural, meta-fantastica

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Comments 4

AHBL 1-2 auroramama June 7 2012, 04:45:33 UTC
You are so awesome I can't even.

I don't think it's an accident that they die without having killed anyone - past-Sam is blameless for all the big wrongs of his life so far - whereas Ava and Jake have two kills each before they go down.

Oh, my. The whole analysis here is so gorgeous, each of the kids as an element of Sam. I remember on my first rewatch I was looking to confirm that Sam executed Jake for killing Dean -- he knew about Dean's deal before he shot Jake.

Sam must have been aware that in sparing Jake he was risking his own life, though obviously he wasn't expecting a stab in the back. But he would never have risked Dean's. He just couldn't have imagined that it was Dean's life at stake.

When Sam lets Jake live, Jake becomes a (living) symbol of Sam's mercy, and that's what Sam kills.

Sam’s spent his whole life conflating the righteous fight against evil, an outlet for grief over lost loved ones, fear over threats against himself, and bristling tempestuous anger at his powerlessness.Most people have some awareness that ( ... )


Re: AHBL 1-2 pocochina June 7 2012, 05:34:17 UTC
When Sam lets Jake live, Jake becomes a (living) symbol of Sam's mercy, and that's what Sam kills.

ooooh, this is it, exactly. That's the thing he thought was keeping him from becoming his father, and he destroyed it himself.

Most people have some awareness that they are powerless against Death. John and Dean taught Sam that a Winchester should be able to do better. They didn't mean to, but there it is.

Yes! Which was right there in the pilot, with the line where Sam says he was scared of a monster in his bedroom and Father of the Year handed over a gun. Like, if you get hurt, it's on you, wuss. And that's his whole worldview right there.

And we end up with Sam hammering on the gates of Hell, demanding to damn himself and being told he isn't worthy.



obsessive_a101 June 7 2012, 15:02:12 UTC
HEE! Just so you know, your Sam-meta/analyses are amazing and working for me as your Lee stuff did, because I think I understand him a bit more when you explain him to me. :)


pocochina June 7 2012, 16:29:09 UTC
aw, yay! MAH BOYS! I admit it's a lot more fun analyzing/relating to Sam because: awesome. (I won't be offended if you don't read right now, though; these next couple of posts are all going to be about the S4 finale and I PROMISE you don't want to be spoiled!)


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