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Comments 9

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pocochina February 20 2012, 06:16:33 UTC
Yeah. It's a good show when it's not going out of its way to pitch to the cruelest, dumbest common denominator. But it does that shit a lot.


blueteainfusion February 20 2012, 14:01:42 UTC
I'm so happy that you started to watch this show, because I love reading your thoughts on every subject, really.

Yes, it's very manipulative. I stopped being scared of the horror episodes very soon, because I realized that you can use genre tricks only so many times before it starts getting predictable. And for the record, I don't think the writers/directors are still trying, you know? You expect the ghost/monster to appear at certain points and after the while you are simply not surprised anymore. Yes, creatures can still be a threat to the boys, but since they are used to them and definitely not frightened, nor am I. The melodrama on the other hand... it depends. It can be so ridiculously overacted you just can't take this seriously (example: Heart). But when it works, it works, even contrary to common sense. Dean's speach in All Hell Breaks Loose is cheesy and not necessary, we all know what is going on inside this crazy head of his, down to every word. Subtlety isn't the show's strong point. But the scene is still effective, ( ... )


pocochina February 20 2012, 19:14:21 UTC
I stopped being scared of the horror episodes very soon, because I realized that you can use genre tricks only so many times before it starts getting predictable.

Yeah. I really don't enjoy it, because the "waiting for something to pop out from behind you" is an anxiety button for me, no matter how much it isn't *scary* because it's obvious and overused. So it's just really unpleasant, even if I otherwise like the episode.

He should have known better, he should have thought twice. But as he doesn't fully comprehend what John did to him, when he died and before. He has little self-awareness at this point, and what he thinks of himself, especially with regards to his father, is all askew. On some level he knows John made the worst decision dying for him, but he can't help himself trying to live up to this ideal.

Yeah. He's just been pining to sacrifice himself, and the crossroads demon at least gives him the illusion of having done it on his own terms. What an excellent character.


blueteainfusion February 20 2012, 23:41:36 UTC
Yeah. He's just been pining to sacrifice himself, and the crossroads demon at least gives him the illusion of having done it on his own terms. What an excellent character.

He really is.

I've been just rereading your post on the MAN PAIN and now that you are watching SPN, I will be patiently waiting for your thoughts about Dean in this context. Does his brooding bother you as of now? I'm especially interested in your opinion after S6 - if you ever get to that point LOL (believe me, many people quit at some point or another). Personally, I tend to get very defensive about characters I like and heavy usage of Dean in that video (great and very thought provoking by itself) kinda-sorta hurt my feelings a little, even if the series IS extremely problematic (which you already covered beautifully).


pocochina February 21 2012, 02:31:43 UTC
ahaha, I was just thinking about this very topic yesterday, you read my mind. Because as of thus far, at least - I get the frustration? I do. (I mean, Sam's had way more women fridged for him than Dean, and had that be a much bigger part of his narrative, but who's counting? orite, I am.) But yeah, he's very sympathetic to me, and I kind of bristle at the idea that that's me being manipulated, rather than understanding and on some level relating to the character.

I feel like - Dean does a lot of co-opting other people's pain. But he clearly does that as a coping mechanism to deal with all his child solder trauma? I'd agree with frustration with the narrative, that it feels like it has to make him sympathetic by casting him into that kind of paternalistic role. But yeah, I wince a little that somehow that becomes "well, clearly his trauma and disempowerment has nothing to do with his emotional problems and so they are gross and 'problematic,' BECAUSE PRIVILEGE." He might bother me eventually, though I don't see him having the Angel- ( ... )


kwritten February 20 2012, 17:38:25 UTC
I love your thoughts. I agree with your thoughts. Some of your thoughts are my thoughts.

Sam, for his part, takes Dean for granted in this way that I love. Because it's not that he ever even considers misusing that. It's just that Dean is his constant in a way that he doesn't even think to question.

And now I have more thoughts... Thanks!


pocochina February 20 2012, 19:15:09 UTC


ever_neutral February 21 2012, 02:59:54 UTC
That said, watching it all at once is making me realize just how nakedly manipulative it is. I really don't think it needs the violins of angst to swell and for one or the other of them to make a big long speech about his ~endless pain. They're well-drawn-enough characters that it's unnecessary, so I just end up being irritated and uncomfortable during what should be the big moments.

lol, preach.

Dean and his dream djinn world KILLED ME.


Sam, for his part, takes Dean for granted in this way that I love. Because it's not that he ever even considers misusing that. It's just that Dean is his constant in a way that he doesn't even think to question.

UGH, YES. SO WONDERFUL. Second favourite brothership ever.

So yeah, I like yo thoughts, and have no intelligent ones of my own. ;) Probably I will once you hit S3. Shit gets real.


pocochina February 21 2012, 03:15:28 UTC


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